
can we maybe abhor the racism in this woman’s statement without tearing down melania? it seems obvious to me that this pamela taylor person just likes melania because she’s white and hates michelle because she’s black. it’s not really about whether either woman is actually “classy”. it isn’t melania’s fault that

Shower/bath drinking is a great joy in life.

Already forcing women to do something with their bodies against their will, and he’s not even president yet.

I thought we’d moved on to the 90s.

Maybe it’s satire. Maybe the whole thing is a giant performance art piece and he’s making a point about government inefficiencies and corruption.

I actually wrote her a thank you card. I’d always been a little ambivalent toward her, until this election.

I’m fighting with my white Husband who just doesn’t understand. He does not understand what is at stake for the rest of us. It makes it so much worse because the person I love the most in the world just doesn’t fucking get me.

shutup, meg

About five years ago, my husband Adam and I decided that it was finally time to start looking to purchase a house. We had always talked about buying an older, fixer upper home because we’ve had the idea that they hold more charm and character. Plus we can appreciate a place that has it’s own quirks and we love the

Update: I’ve been staring at that old newspaper photo on and off ever since that day last week - trying to will it into making some kind of sense. After posting this story, I felt like I had to look at it one more time. I just realized - that doll the little girl is holding? Is my doll, the one my aunt gave me.

This happened to a friend of a friend earlier this summer (as told by my friend). I’ll call her friend Jane. Jane is a nurse who works a specific shift at a local hospital and keeps a really consistent schedule. She gets up at 5am, takes a shower, and then heads off to work. Jane lives in a bungalow a block away

Two Stories!

The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs

My mom tells us not to talk about it, but there is something sensitive about our family. We feel things, and then we bite our tongues to prevent bothers from thinking we are nuts.

I have really bad sleep paralysis, regular nightmares and hallucinate when I wake up regularly. So I’ve seen some pretty fucked up shit that’s not real.

My grandmother was known in our family as “the psychic,” which was always said half-jokingly, but in truth she always freaked us out with the things she knew. Sometimes it was sweet and cute - we would take turns trying to surprise her with birthday or Christmas gifts, only to have her rightly guess what it was before

Okay, so this may not be the scariest story ever, and none of you will ever see it because I’m as gray as they come, but it is 100% true and you can make of it what you will.

But he’s a pro at performing in a wheel chair!

That America is being taken down by a combination of celebrity worship and petulant whiteness is a pretty good argument in favor of a god who loves ironic punishments.

I’m almost forty, and from what I can tell so far life is essentially just an endless series of moments where you realize “I was really fucking stupid five years ago.”