
Thanks!! I know it sounds hard, but this is the path I chose. Even though I sometimes feel like a teen mom I was 36 when I had my son. Had I waited until I could properly "afford" it, I might never have had a child. I am, however, more motivated to make money than at any other time in my life, which has led to me

Single working mom here who receives zero in child support. I can absolutely understand staying home if your husband works and the job you qualify for won't even cover childcare. I love my work, but I BARELY make enough to pay for rent and food after covering the cost of childcare. In fact, I often don't make enough,

Sorry. I stand corrected. I've never seen her show and assumed it was Disney.

Isn't twitter designed for over-sharing? Snark like this is SO 2005. Perez Hilton isn't even being this mean to her.

After lurking for many moons I was approved as a Gawker commenter and then as a Jezebel commenter about 5 years ago. Eventually I even got a star under the old system. Hurrah! But then, alas, the old system was replaced and then the newer system was also replaced and my stars disappeared, never to return, and I was

He IS pretty hot. Considering his ambitions as an actor this might be the best thing that ever happened to him.

Agree with everything you said here, especially about the protein powder. But. Trying to tell me magic isn't real? That is taking it too far, sister.

Neighborhood kids did this to our cat. We came home as they were shooting her with rubber bands and throwing rocks at her as she hid under a car in the neighbor's driveway. Another neighborhood kid killed our other cat with a bb gun. I'm convinced that all of those kids are in prison now for heinous crimes.

I agree completely, and especially love you for using "Ouroboros". The celebrity gossip machine IS like a snake eating it's tail.

Hmmm. I admire the approach and find the honesty refreshing, but I think there must exist a happy medium between this book and the neutered "sex ed" I received in the 80s. (I really did learn more from Judy Blume books.) If not then someone needs to write that book.

Oh. My. God. These comments. UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE. Changing rooms are for changing diapers, not for feeding babies. Hello, germs and fecal matter? Why doesn't the person who made that comment go eat their lunch in the restroom? Or the person offering the helpful information that there are plenty of options available

This is so true it should be in baby books.

I support her completely, but wouldn't pen and paper suffice in lieu of an iPad? Just for those few minutes that she has to put it away?