Yes. I got my saturday morning breakfast cereal comic collection. Still waiting on that studio album though...
Yes. I got my saturday morning breakfast cereal comic collection. Still waiting on that studio album though...
-whisper- thank you.
First world martyrdom problems.
No, Obama is Hitler. Haven’t you been listening to the repubs? His deal with Iran is what will lead Isreal to the oven. And other over the top stuff like that.
That’s 2 am in Mormon standard time.
Does that prevent your utereus from exploding out of you?
...Why? Why would you tell us this?
I wonder if this is less about the US and more about Japan and their proposed military reforms.
Oh man. He probably thinks that they’re just all about Lincoln. Which they kind of are.
Surprisingly, I think Dustin Hoffman says it best:
I personally think that all robots should beep and boop, instead of speak actual words.
They should’ve just let Maleficent be a badass villain.
Why pay off the referee when he can just use his demon magic on the referee?
Yes. Always do gemstones in person.
My Mom is a librarian and would beat me w/ her gang of Librarians if I said that.
Go to the library and hit the magazine area or teen area. Pull out seventeen for this month. Read, if you must, and then put it back.
That’s so sad. My heart goes out to the family, this is a horrible thing to have occured.
That can’t be good for his head...