
No. That’s parking karma.

God, now that you’re done helping this woman find a diamond, think you can do something about all this war, poverty, hatred, and other things?

I laughed pretty hard when I saw the lioness opens the car door video. You have good company.

Can you imagine the calls of Christian persecution that would be made, had someone done this during a Christian prayer? The turning of the back especially.

Especially when you think about how bad bleach is for a child to ingest. It might be in small levels, but pretty sure Lysol never suggests people wipe their bleach off with water.

This goes into it:


Why... didn't Russel Crowe just... change the name he stayed at Hotels under?

Can't really blame Poland. I mean, it does kind of end up getting in the middle of everything.

it isn't a cigarette, it's a lollipop.

With all the changes in gene therapy and such, it's very likely she'll live past 37.

You telling me is the first time I've heard of it too.

I've supplemented my learning with podcasts. Otherwise half of this shit I just never would've known. Why we don't cover the Tulsa Race Riots and things like that in history is beyond me. Of course, people would find that even LESS patriotic. 'White people rioting against black people?! Nooo siree.'

People's minds would collectively explode to learn that.

But did you actually talk to the barista about it? Because just a sticker does not a conversation make.

You can find it on ebay for not too much.

Next door daycare. Lots of kids. Screaming. Screaming. Happy the kids are having so much fun, but OMG can we put a sock in it?

If you don't get the reference, then you're missing out on one of the fairly amazing classics. Please report for mandatory re-education camps.

BogartCat explains it well above:

She eventually started eating, because money was running low and the world wasn't ready for her to show us how to transcend eating.