
I was still reading it as Polish week, not polish week. Maybe they should call it polished!

Can I get a special mandate where I get a section, say maybe first class, for free, all to myself?

It's true. We have a huge pornography addiction in Utah. Especially the Mormons.

Dance like no one is watching,

Ha, I like it. I didn't even see Pacific Rim, so I have no room to really talk.

You don't want to be the reason why Idris Elba as the first black James Bond fails, do you?

(I realize that the author is trying to be funny. I just see a lot of people defend Bill O'Reilly and other commentators with the fact that they are really nice people outside of work. Drives me up a wall )

I don't really care if she is the nicest, kindest, bleeding heartiest of women when at home. The stuff she says is toxic and there are people who eat it up. She may not believe everything she says, but it isn't as if she is known, as Stephen Colbert is, for satire. Because her work isn't satire, it is real

There is no way that they would release the social security numbers of employees for a marketing scheme.

He's just still really hurt that he didn't get his moon base.

Wow. I'm surprised it's getting that high.

Yes, I genuinely, from what I've heard—I haven't actually listened yet—thought that it would end up with no certainty. I am pretty sad we're not going to all have the parlor reveal, though.

So... it's really about ethics in articles about podcasts?

You mean the Stouffer books? Have you actually read them?

Oh come on, that's way too cruel.

Could be! Or all the other horrible shit that's been going down this year that basically makes it impossible to want to be in a happy uplifting spirit.

Not shockingly, the year I realized I was an athiest was the year that Christmas lost a lot of it's umph.

...I'm really having issues getting in the christmas spirit this year.

Oh I'm sure. And I'm really, really glad that things went well.