
Note also, the game’s primary concern, which is that it’s called “Dirty Bomb”

It’s not a distraction if grinding is necessary to proceed. At that point it becomes a required part of the game.

I was going to buy a WiiU for this, as piloting a giant badass mech in an open world RPG sounds amazing to me.

If it’s like Xenoblade, kinda MMO-ish. Auto attacks are done normally, and you use abilities in between. So early game SUUUUUUUCKS when you only have a few abilities that don’t really mesh well. Combat is slow and boring as all hell. Eventually you’ll wind up with like 8 abilities, and each one does something

Whenever I wonder where to go next in the Witcher 3, I usually have a quest log with stuff to do. Like a good Bethesda game, the quest routes intentionally lead you to other quests along the way, so I’m never running on empty unless I choose to ignore new things.

Hmmm.. the way you’re talking about this, I’m not sure I’d enjoy the game enough for me to get it.

I know that the creator is trying to swing the balance towards heavier on gameplay and lighter on story/cutscenes, but I think he may have over course corrected here. Fifty five hours for less than half the game from what it sounds, with almost all of it sidequests? That doesn’t sound like fun at all.

‘In a lot of ways, Xenoblade Chronicles X is a bit of a slog.’

should of jumped from the farther point to his left

it would feel like an open world Armored Core... that sounds awesome!

It’s at those times you open the quest menu and pick from the list of 50 entertaining, meaningful and varied objectives.

Even though the Witcher 3 is amazing, even it does have its moments of slogging through the open world and wondering 'where do I go next'?. It does get a lot of fun when you have a destination or crafting in mind though.

The 'slog' factor of open world games kind of worries me. Instead of being a tightly knit experience where you go to your mecha and play around with an open world, trudging through long distance errands and empty expanses might get in the way of the fun of it as well. I really hope they balance that out in this game

In a lot of ways, Xenoblade Chronicles X is a bit of a slog. Main story quests are few and far between—and you’ll need to level up before attempting each one. So when you’re not aimlessly exploring (which, don’t get me wrong, is by far the most enjoyable part of the game), you’ll more often than not find yourself

You sure it was a Mecha & not this guy?!

Come on, T-SHIRT.

This needs to come stateside !

‘...and we’re the weird ones?’ - Japan