
The part where his “friend” had raucous drunken parties at his house almost every week, and in addition to the zombie nuns, had toplessness and bodyshots, and giving kids beer and mixed drinks, and ol’ dad never thought that mayyyybe this wasn’t the church for his family, and daughter, to be in, is making me crazy.

The part of the KYCIR article that really blew my mind was when they quoted the assault victim’s dad as saying he was at the church’s New Year’s party that night and saw a drunk Dan Johnson pushing his face against the breasts and crotch of a different young girl.

Satan and God are actually pretty tight.

I’m spending the evening reading Breitbart comments

y’all gave me hope that we here in Kentucky will be able to kick out our trash Senators and hopefully our trash governor. I know how much it sucks being told your state’s a racist hick hellhole, that you should just secede, that you deserve shitty things (natural disaster-wise) to happen to you. extremely proud of

HA! I’m just kidding. They never are silenced.

This is the correct fucking headline. All over Facebook, my friends are celebrating with “way to go Alabama.”

Fuck that, this is only a victory because enough Black men and women managed to break through the supressive tactics of a white supremacist STATE. This isn’t “way to go Alabama,” it’s “Way to go black voters!

I sensed a sudden disturbance in the Farce...as if a million pedophile-cheering bigots were crying out in anguish...and then were silenced...

I’m so white.

Thank you for this! I died DEAD. His FACE. The open mouth, the blinking eyes! The silence lasted 1,000 years. I am legally dead now. But what a way to go.

Soooo.... am I the first to mention that Sassy was once the name of a popular magazine for teenage girls?

I wonder if when he pardoned the turkey he whispered under his breath “but only the white parts.”

Exactly! Trump is a monster, but he’s a dumpster fire. Pence is one of those coal seam fires that doesn’t really do much beside make the ground warm sometimes, right up until it collapses out from underneath you.

As much as I want to see Trump out, the thought of Pres. Pence terrifies me. He could quietly usher through so much terrible shit. And without the spectacle of a buffoon in charge, I’m not sure the media or the American people would continue to pay attention as much as they do now.

You mean, show starring the amazing D’Arcy Carden as Janet and some other random people renewed for third season.

Remember how Trump used to talk about what a great friend of the LGBTs he is?

Hard pass, thanks.

She really needs to add a “if this bothers you, then you’re a bitch-ass snowflake” just to really drive them nuts.

What? No, they won’t.