
Let this be a reminder that unlike what certain self described progressives say, we absolutely cannot compromise and allow antiabortion people on the Democratic ticket in an effort to win seats.

If any of you who are sexually active have the brains God gave a gooseberry, it’s time to go Lysistrata on their asses. Just take 1 week, and do not put out in any way. When men complain, tell them to call their Congresscritters, and then Republican Party Headquarters, to let them know about their dissatisfaction.

Susan Collins, don’t fail us now.

I am both enraged at this story and incandescent with righteous glee that these motherfuckers are being dragged out to the bonfires by their shorthairs.

None of this is true.

I’m so exhausted. It’s just an onslaught of flaming bullshit every single day. It’s unreal that in 2017, a time of robots, driverless cars, and pocket-sized computers, we’re still arguing over birth control

The party of family values and self-reliance wants to foist everything off on to god so that they can walk away without a care. Meanwhile, wanting affordable birth control or heaven forbid, actual health care is a bridge too far.

“I wish I had more protection. I wish this stuff didn’t happen.”

I love how these men (Weinstein, O’Reilly, etc.) all seem to think that there is noting wrong with making women’s life shitty, but as soon as it impacts them it is a witch hunt. Idiots. I suppose though it goes along with their general lack of empathy towards anything that doesn’t directly impact them.

Ah yes, as Epicurus said:

So, are there any major right-wing politicians or pundits who aren’t going to out themselves as delusional—possibly actually demented—utterly self-involved narcissists? Did all the old white Republicans just get together and say “well, fuck it, the public decided they were OK with electing a blatant narcissist who

I really like this show. I want to see more Bad Janet.

That was one of the funniest episodes of television I’ve ever seen in my life.

Just because I want to quibble about something, does anyone actually take her apology as genuine? How can you call Bialik’s apology “unequivocal” when she actively defended it post-publishing?

Now playing

I’ve been spiritually attracted to Kristin Bell ever since the Ellen Show Sloth Incident.

My vote is for him to glitch at some major televised event so they can’t cover it up as they have been doing (I confess to a mild case of tinfoil hattery). I want a full on delusional melt down that hits all the favorites- aliens, vaccines, Illuminati, ghosts, astrology and the statement that he’s the Second Coming.

Just because Weinstein hadn’t gotten ahold of her before his fall doesn’t mean her modesty would have done anything. You can dress up in a burlap sack, if a monster like Harvey Weinstein decides he wants to see what’s under there, it isn’t modesty that will stop him.

Thank you. This segment is still burned into my brain. I am the most cynical human on planet Earth and am still befuddled as to how she has employment after this.

I remember thinking this about Megyn Kelly when she decided to speak up for maternity leave and her attitude is exactly what’s wrong with many conservatives:

Oh god, me too! There was one with some house in a rural area and everything started shaking and banging and then some family members walked up to the house and there was an old truck with a bunch of blood but no one was in the truck and then it drove away...DO YOU REMEMBER THAT ONE? IT TERRIFIES ME STILL.