Maybe stop assuming that every straight man in the car world is a misogynistic douchebag and that they act like dickheads and weirdos to queers?
Listen you gendorest heterophobic monster. I refuse to let you lump me in with these negitive stereotypes based on my sex or sexual preference. Why don’t you check your privilege at the door as you navigate away from Huff post and come to a calm all accepting site like Jalopnik. (But seriously you do realize the irony…
With having all the same access to these activities (that you USA) and most equipment for sports or jobs can be made for women and/or men, the only thing in my mind that limits what a gender, race, or class of citizen from entering a segment is themselves and themselves only. Haters gonna hate. Perhaps the best method…
There are also plenty of straight men who judge people on their merits.
I understand diversity and the good it brings. I understand that no one should be discriminated against based on things outside of their control; wealth, race, gender, etc. I do believe in raising your child to have no bounds on what he or she can accomplish or set out to do in his/her free time.
An Elon Musk post. Good! You guys never talk about him.
Man, if only there was some alternative way for him to get his bike from Point A to Point B.
my childhood friend mike [redacted], when he was a senior in high school, robbed a bank and the getaway car was his 60 something bright red convertible corsair.
“Oh, cool, a new Supra. That should be a good competitor to the Mustang and Camaro”
Yeah that happened to me once, I was floored when they wouldn’t give me my keys back. I ended up being the last customer at the dealership and had to have my wife call me with a made up “I need to get home now, she isn’t feeling well” story to motivate them to look harder for my keys. They kept trying to get me to…
Why not?!?
Never ask or assume a woman’s age.
Most of my vehicles are a little interesting. And this is exactly why I despair of selling them in a private sale. I take a loss at Carmax or a dealer just so I don’t have to risk someone dumping a never-been-down motorcycle or destroying a transmission because they actually can’t drive stick, then leaving me to deal…
Wow. So we get a Supra without Toyota reliability, a relatively high price, two engines with the highest output only being 335hp, and no manual transmission.
Where are you finding pricing? If it’s north of $40 for a 2.0T, I’ll be shocked.
The lower-powered version uses the BMW B48B20 turbocharged four-cylinder engine displacing two liters and producing 262 horsepower, while the high-power version will use the single-turbo inline-six B58B30 BMW engine and will produce 335 horsepower, according to the document.
You could always overnight parts from Japan.
When I fart, they hear it in China.
His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.