
That’s what i said when I found out my ex was getting married.

Dude’s got so many projection issues he should work at a theater!

Puh-lease. When my ex got married I only briefly turned my mind to that poor, poor girl and her impending sexual dissatisfaction. Then I went back to being awesome.

This is the best response as usual.

Oh it is. I have the same response to anything that goes wrong. You spill milk? You have to die now. You don’t respond to my text in a timely manner? You have to die now. You like a movie that I don’t like? You have to die now. You have a vagina instead of a penis? You have to die now.

RBG strategically brought one of the first modern gender-discrimination cases (Craig v. Boren) all the way to SCOTUS as an attorney. It involved discrimination against men lol, but she did it on purpose to get the Court to consider gender-discrimination as deserving of heightened judicial scrutiny. What a badass.

I think you accidentally posted something stupid. You should delete this.

Well, now you know of at least one. Your life has changed immensely and you had no idea that was going to happen when you woke up, did you?

Biggest anti-spank line in the Bible: the story of Onan (Genesis 38), who spilled his seed into the earth and was smited pretty much instantly.

Real reason: because sometimes some ladies get lonely and want to snuggle against someone with strong arms and tickly chest hair.

One major plus for living in a big coastal city is that you typically don’t get harassed about marriage until your 30s or even later.

(T)Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

I think you’re kind of missing the point on this particular article. The point is you had the choice. You like doing that stuff? Awesome! That’s great that you are able to live a life where you can do it, and yes, you should be able to live that life without judgment. I understand you dislike the mocking or rolled

You have a choice. Those women did not. Therein lies the difference.

One of the main points of this article was that not very long ago, women WERE obligated to do domestic work because they were women, and they weren’t allowed to do anything else. Have fun with your bread.

I’m not sure why some feminists feel the need to mock domestic things like ironing, cooking, baking, etc.

Your mum sounds rad as hell. Please thank her for the work she and other women did to make things easier and fairer for my generation.

Communal property though!!!

I feel perfectly okay criticizing female genital mutilation, regardless of which culture happens to practice it.

There are health risks to this whole practice: improper sanitation, not being able to fully clean menstrual cloths in order to avoid later infections, oh, AND BEING FORCED TO CLUMP UP IN TINY SHACKS WITHOUT ELECTRICITY AND RUN THE RISK OF RAPE AND SNAKE BITE. But you go on, defending "traditions" that are just more