

It would be quicker to list all the times he actually succeeded at his job. Let me try:

Yes, it’s our fault that Mike Carey was objectively terrible at his job.

His poor job also shows why replay is generally bad when everything is scrutinized like the NFL These are interpretations of rules, of course Ref A and Ref B may see it differently, thus make different calls on the field, but really, Carey was

I like his style, here is me winning a gold in Rio.


CTE is real, folks.

Interesting that someone with a Toronto-centric handle left Collabello off the list.

Free restoration for an idiot who drove in high water.

Hope he didn’t swallow it. There’s nothing worse for your digestion than Eaton gum.

No one’s ever been that happy to be in Des Moines.

Mystery solved:

If this was Jezebel, the title would’ve been “Entitled White Male Harasses Chinese Woman Online, Gets What He Deserves.”

Don't even know how that happens