Floyd’s wives took more punches for a much smaller payday.
Floyd’s wives took more punches for a much smaller payday.
I’m allergic to tomatoes, potatoes and all other nightshades, people NEVER believe me.
Speaking only to the dog costs, this seems incredibly, misleadingly low. Dogwalking and boarding alone will run you $3000-6000/year. And that kibble estimate for ‘premium’ food? No way. Even with double coupons, that’s way too cheap to be realistic.
In a feverishly anticipated two-hour interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC, Bruce Jenner confirmed tonight that he is a…
There are many people who can’t understand exactly how famous Bruce Jenner was in the 70s. He was the original superstar athlete. The first to capitalize on endorsements, which now are all over the place. He was truly a man’s man, winning the biggest international prize for athletes during the bicentennial at the…
I just gained a 100,000,000x respect for Kanye and Kim and I don’t know what to feel about this.
I made the same decision five years ago at age 60. I fully support Bruce on her journey. May the path she has taken lead her to joy and fulfillment.
As someone with a transgender sibling who took a lot of shit from people after he came out, but also had supportive family I’m very happy that Jenner was able to be honest with the world about who she is. It’s never easy, and people will make horrible jokes, and they won’t understand, but every high profile individual…
that is the second best Surf and Turf story I have ever heard. Fortunately, the first goes to me.
Well aren’t you a special little snowflake??!!
Some days aren’t about you.
When I was 8 I insisted on inviting the boy from my class (who had behavioural problems, due to a poor family life) to my birthday party. Other parents took my mum aside to ask her ‘if she was sure’. My mum was worried and checked with my, and apparently I replied that I knew he didn’t get invited to parties a lot,…
She doesn’t owe you, the media, this terrible writer, or anyone an explanation. There are a lot of narcissistic people here, including this author that need to come to grips with the fact that she’s chosen to mostly handle the issue either privately or internally.
10,000 words and not a one even entertaining the possibility that Janay Rice has actually forgiven her husband and wants to facilitate his return to football, if only to improve their material position in life?
Tangentially, this is actually true though. Much like the other comment, where it’s easier to get a job when you already have one, part of looking “wealthy” is that it’s aspirational and, if you can successfully pull that off, more opportunity will be offered to you. I’ve found this in *multiple* jobs and interviews.…
I grew up in Bed Stuy in the 90s, and thank God for grunge, Hip Hop and skater style. Us working class kids were being copied and then we would remix so called ‘preppy’ style into our own.
I love people with old or actual money. My close friend, old Southern money, looks like a homeless person. I’ve caught him putting trash into a beautiful vintage leather Versace travel bag- he could have barely cared....There is an expensive tux in the closet and some of the most expensive cologne thrown on the floor.…