
It’s a reward for reading the entire article.

Well their in-house team sucks at that kind of work, so they outsourced it to a mysterious Square Enix employee with known only for having a barcode on the back of his bald head.

I have a character in my Animal Crossing 3DS town I hate... can’t even remember her name, I don’t care to. I just know I started sending her the most vile letters I could think of trying to get her to leave. When she asked me to come up with a nickname the things I made her say... atrocious. I’d push her into

I have literally called them the “Ness” and the “Sness” my entire life. It boggles my mind that you’d call them anything else.

I mean, xenophobic bullshit is one way to divert the conversation, certainly.

“Shared from Splinter” is hard to understand, yo.

I really don’t get that either. Why after all these years, people who regularly read an actual tech site (or apparently also a computer gaming site) - are so consistently mystified by the simple concept of cross-posting between members of the same media group?

It’s cross-posted to every Gizmodo Media Group site, because GMG is (rightly) proud of this piece and wants as many eyes on it as possible, and as many shares as possible. It’s a big enough story for the major TV news stations to be covering it.

The Kotaku nerds are BIG MAD...and that makes me happy. Hey, you little assholes? Yeah, you over there. Here’s some goddamn news and culture for you.

Hypothetical then.  Should a woman have the option to have her tubes tied under your healthcare plan?  Thereby putting the ball in her court?

I don’t think it does, actually, because plenty of pro-choice people don’t like abortion and would never choose it for themselves, but simply don’t believe they have the right to force that decision on others.

The lawyer is my penis.

The hammer is my lawyer.

No. Fuck your mindset. Just because “it’s the internet” doesn’t mean it can be a free haven for toxicity and racism. You are responsible for what you say and do in real life, and you should be helt accountable for your actions on the internet.

Would love to see this in Rocket League. Whenever I see someone type “kys” I want to drop kick them into the heat death of the universe. 

“fuck you guys i just got a ban for saying nibba in chat,” one player tweeted at Ubisoft last Friday, “nibba” being a thinly-veiled way of saying the n-word. .

Just to remind you that yes, Ubisoft has the right to whip out its banhammer for bigots as the first amendment only really applies to the government with very specific exceptions.

Well I wasn’t lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family to teach me that other people are just resources for extracting value.

If we create a blanket that covers all “bad” words as hate speech

First off, “my” goals are not a thing I’ve divulged here. Kindly take that strawman and put it back in its field before you attract crows.

Secondly, your assertion here monumentally oversimplifies the problem in service of driving a poorly-supported point (it is, in other words, sophistry).

Hate speech only becomes hate