
As my parents were a couple stars away from a complete run of Super Mario 64, Young Me found out that if you click the other-colored squares on the start screen it would change the background color. I was young enough that the words “Erase” and “Copy” didn’t mean anything to me so I just picked my favorite color. I

Reigns is of my favorite purchases for mobile. I feel like I would have a hard time sticking with it on PC, but at least as far as mobile goes it’s a perfect on-the-go game. Good amount of strategy, rng, and progression to feel challenging and meaningful while being simplistic enough to play in short sessions.

for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

I do agree about Urbosa’s Fury, although it looks like there may be a misunderstanding with Daruk’s Protection that might be part of the frustration for it. It wont get used if you take damage, it will only be used if you’re shielding when you would take that damage. That’s odd that a shot from off-screen would use it

Lore-wise they’ve got 4 testicles. So... come on Bioware, get on that.

Who do I need to throw money at to make this happen? Haha

Oh that’s neat! I didn’t know that it was hitting consoles as well. It’ll be cool to see a wider platform for these games.

I never thought of Disney as a possible IP set for this kind of game, but the more I think about it the more awesome that sounds. Plus they’ve got set pieces galore. I think that Marvel would be an amazing IP for a platform brawler, too!

Also to mention for anyone looking to pick it up: Playing with a controller is ideal in my opinion. I’m the kind of person who will use KB+M for anything possible, but a controller makes this game much better :)

I picked up Rivals of Aether on a whim and, after I got used to the controls, was pleasantly surprised at how solid a game it actually was. Everything is quick and precise and it feels like it has a really high skill ceiling.

After the... far too much time I had spent on this mission, I finally made it to the end. I was paranoid about starting over, so I gave him a wide area and sneaked into the shrine. I went in, got the stuff, and headed back out. I ran all the way back to the beginning only to find that the quest still wasn’t marked

Good to know, thanks.

Is it the same on the Wii U version? I’m getting close to finishing the game before doing another playthrough but my Googling is failing me.

Awesome! I’m excited to hear more about this as it gets closer. I loved the first game until I finished it (due to how they handled the last fight).

Interesting, and good to know. Thanks for the head’s up.

I poured soooo many hours into Oracle of Seasons. I never got a chance to play Oracle of Ages but if it’s on par with Seasons I may have to see if I can track it down. Good list!

That’s just the maximum for your Offense score, though. Through defense you can get another 500, and then your overall ranking will net you from 500 to 5,000 depending on your ending score.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s still a completely garbage system, but that should help alleviate the grind ever so slightly :)

Once again, I’m not talking about “similar.” I’m talking about identical. And as for your previous post, I understand that and I’m really not sure why you’re trying to argue. I’m not going to participate because, like I said, I agree with you. I also never said that any new character doesn’t alter the balance. Have a

They could make Hanzo a lot of fun to play in HotS. I’d really be interested in seeing how they handled him, but his implementation could be a lot of fun with a lot of new mechanics.

Yes, I did only name 4. That’s because I was providing examples and not going through a full list. There are some characters in Overwatch that I think would work very well in HotS (Ana, Lucio, and Genji especially) but my point was simply that they’ve limited themselves with how many characters they would be able to