
and no one can take it away from us.

If you’re playing a game in second person, I think you’d be the one narrating for the character who is doing the “playing.”
I’ve really been interested in the feasibility of a game like this, but unfortunately I can’t seem to find any way that it would be engaging and accessible instead of an obtuse gimmick.


Now playing

Starbound would have to be my nomination. That soundtrack is phenomenal.

Most of my childhood was my family jumping around between consoles, so for me it was Morrowind mostly, around when I turned 16 even though that’s not necessarily “childhood”. The first time we rented it I hated it because I didn’t understand the roll-based combat system. A while later my uncle bought it and since he

Such an amazing game. My favorite memories in adventure mode are where I knocked some guy out by throwing his own dismembered arm at his face, and the time I had to kill someone disguised as a merchant. I sneaked in at night when they were all asleep, found the right guy, then spent roughly the next half hour of real

That’s always been my take on it as well.
Sort of a “Of course ____ is happening. Why wouldn’t it be?”

Could you explain? My uh, friend, still isn’t catching it for some reason.

I don’t believe they will be. They considered stealth previously and found that they weren’t able to make it work correctly in a fun and balanced way. If they do end up having stealth they will have already considered the issues surrounding that and (hopefully) will have adjusted it accordingly.

One of my coworkers is from Hawaii and the first legendary he got was the Islander skin for Roadhog. His exact words were “Well, this game is some racist-ass bullshit!” He was mostly joking and still uses and loves it, but I can really see how a lot of these skins are... at the very least maybe not racist but not as

Mine’s wearing all red even though I’m Mystic too, haha. I preferred that style more than anything.

At least where I am (Utah, USA), Red and Blue are the 2 big college football colors. So they have that going for them, and as far as peoples’ preference for colors according to..... some random internet survey I saw recently, out of the 3 it goes Blue > Red > Yellow. If people are going with their favorites, that

Half of my coworkers are Team Valor, the other half is Team Mystic.
Then we have one person who’s Team Instinct and he hates the game now.

I’m actually a really big fan of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. I... really wish I could have been a fan of Sonic 2006 because they introduced a lot of really interesting mechanics (and it was beautiful), but the execution was inexcusable. I think what would excite me most would be basically “Sonic Adventure 3,” complete

Amen! It’s baffling to me that so many more people seem to like the new ones (which are Fallout in the ES universe) when the old ones were in-depth single player pen and paper games.

And spellcrafting. Oh how I miss spellcrafting.

We were playing GURPS with a group of 8, and we had breezed through our actual combat portions with complete ease. Unfortunately, the hard part was interacting with the local average town. As a rogue-ish kelpto who had forgotten any theft points, I had a good half of the town hating us by the time we left on our last

That’s really nice of you to do. Like genuinely, few people would even attempt to help. Just wanted to let you know that it’s really appreciated :)

Ack, that’s really lame :/ I wish they would have handled the digital goodies a little better for non-digital PC cases.

I got roped into pre-ordering the Origins Edition partially because of the early Tracer release. I’m genuinely surprised at how well they made her translate from FPS to MOBA though, haha.

The main reason I’ve been playing Heroes of the Storm again is just so I can play Tracer. Monday can’t come soon enough!