Somebody has GOT to get that CS:GO map into Tribes: Ascend.
Somebody has GOT to get that CS:GO map into Tribes: Ascend.
Sounds like he bought a PS4 with as much functionality as my own right now.
As someone who is affected by this, and someone who is admittedly pissed off about it, I understand that it's not the "end of the world." That's not the issue.
The issue is that my gift to my boyfriend is a $400 brick.
It's not the end of the world. It's not even the end of us playing games in the meantime. It's just…
I fully support "virtual douchery" becoming the official term.
This version will always be the greatest thing.
It's very much both. If you have enough skill, you can make up for some of the lack of numbers through crits, positioning, and not getting hit. If you have the numbers, you can make up for the lack of skill (somewhat) and dispatch them quicker while soaking up more damage.
It would take longer to kill a lot of enemies…
Like most people have said, it's highly dependent on the circumstances. I mean, if someone were to fall off of the side at the beginning because we were the same character, same costume, and they thought they were on the other side? Sure, I'll give 'em one.
But if they're playing a Little Mac and misjudged the distance…
The worst part is when a boss casts something that looks like a heal. "Oh this looks green and flowery and friendly, Imma stand in it! Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."
I leveled my Hunter up to 5, quit playing, then SoR-ed into 85 and joined my boyfriend's guild for Cata fingertips. I can't count how many times I heard "God dammit Skigs! Turn off growl!" Haha
It pretty much is, really. I got back into WoW, and after working for a few months I ended up getting my Hunter's Sha-Touched Weapon (can't recall the name). I was super excited and was hitting top damage charts in our raids, and it felt great. Then, half an hour into the Warlord's expansion, I had already replaced it…
Honest Trailers does games, too.…
Playing a mage of any sort? Dick move.
I would suggest adding lava to the bottom of the main platform as well, if possible. That would discourage characters like Ness and Pikachu from hiding out down there for too long.
Similar situation, minus the school.
This article had me tearing up, and I could even name my own "Ben." I doubt I'll end up playing this, but holy shit am I glad I read this article.
^ This guy's got it.
The subtitles always called it "Next Stop: Everywhere" which resulted in never being able to find this song.
Hellooooo, new Spotify addition :D
I absolutely agree. I binge-watched, and I loved the pacing in it. I'm not an anime guy, so that might be part of it I guess :/
He turns into Big Mac.