
Complaining about unwanted political talking points being shoehorned into your day while this runs as a headline on video game website, Kotaku, is peak 2020. 

Complaining about unwanted political talking points being shoehorned into your day while this runs as a headline on a video game website, Kotaku, is peak 2020.

Anyone know if this will work with any of the Mac emulators? Would love to play this. Also, for those saying the download link is slammed, go to the Youtube video’s page and look in the description. Click the link to get Last Impact, which will lead to another video. In that video there are mirror downloads. Enjoy...

This game was a labor of love. I honestly spent days on the same puzzle, staring at it for hours. One day I was showering and while I wasn’t even thinking about the game the solution popped in my head. Drew it on the glass then practically sprinted out to solve it.

Actually there is terrain deformation, but it can only be done using grenades. You can create tunnels for miles if you want. Obviously this isn’t as elaborate as Minecraft building, but it’s there.

Just curious what your strength/stamina stats look like. I’m hoping to use fume in the way you speak of. Thanks!

NICE! Is that available on the PSN store? If not, where did you get it? Thanks

I know the chances of this are pretty much a billion to one, but with rumors of Kojima in talks with SONY, could there EVER be a chance they offer up some astronomical amount of money to buy the Metal Gear IP? I know Kojima wants to move on from the series, but knowing Konami will most likely pump out less than