i've always thought that a good way to use the player's limited ability to perceive the situation is to allow him to INTERVENE but not necessarily require him to INITIATE.
i've always thought that a good way to use the player's limited ability to perceive the situation is to allow him to INTERVENE but not necessarily require him to INITIATE.
i paid $350 for an unlocked/nocontract iphone 3GS on craigslist last year and that's been one of the best buys of my life... still running the latest iOS and shockingly can play almost all the recent games...
what's funny is that i think that most people of all political bents can see the problem with the fanaticism of the right wings OF OTHER COUNTRIES (uber nationalistic, us vs. them mentality, fear, control, etc.).
spider-man model looks like the one from previous games (with different texture)... it's not as skinny or lanky as the new movie's spider-man, andrew garfield... hmmmm.....
fuck the cleavage. (hee hee)
"It's not a gaming platform. It's no more a gaming platform than my old TI-83 Plus was. It's an appliance that just happens to support games."
i don't mind the taste of natto. it's basically just miso flavor.
what the hell...? is that KARNOV?!?!?! daaaaayyyuuuummmmm that's old school.
for all the people bitching that this is an attack on the GOP....
does broussard have any self awareness whatsoever?
that's not what i see when i look up santorum.
yeah, it always bugs me when they announce that someone who is young dies and they somehow fail to mention how... as if that's not the thing almost everybody wonders at first when they see the pic of a healthy and hale dude evidently in his prime.
that probably takes a lot of cycles to do... so you probably aren't gonna have a lot of characters with that kind of level of detail.
that's a VERY misleading title that is probably inadvertent on the writer's side.
just do it on the same layer that tattooing is done at.
oooo... that could be the next generation of tattoos... your skin looks totally normal but if someone looks at your cells with a scanning electron microscope, you're covered in a pattern of your choice....
waaaaaaay too late. what an empty gesture, giving in after everybody else already surrendered? they have LEARNED nothing... they simply LOST.
i agree but doing so AFTER congress gave up on it is a pathetic gesture. not a matter of inability to have a change of heart but just waaaaaaaaay too late.
awful. wtf is up with that font? it looks like a law firm or something....