
"If you would like to argue that the soldiers in Battlefield 3's multiplayer are conveying fear of being raped in general, which is not homophobic, versus fear of being raped by men, which is decidedly homophobic, you are arguing that they are expressing fear of being raped by someone other than a man. In other words,

i've already said it but if legislation actively affects the way journalism operates, it is intrinsically PART OF THE STORY already.

"I believe it is our job to cover protest movements but not to be part of them."

thank christ.

yeah, it struck me as spectacular when i first saw it but if you kinda eyeball the speed and distance at which he was thrown back, that should have killed him... probably vfx.

cool thanks! weird that a universe where good is supposed to triumph over evil consistently keeps a group of "peoples" oppressed....

stamped out?! awww... that sucks. that's like the confederates winning the civil war! freeeeedom!

imo, this is a non issue.

always thought that if droids were as feeling as they seemed to be in the star wars movies, han was being an insufferable jerk and "racist".

"The term can also mean one who has sex with other people's mothers Jinchoung, and that is the more common usage these days."

hahaha... ? how is the incestuous act of fucking your mother sexism? how is fucking your mother "male privelege"?

read the rest of my post.

"sometimes consequences don't matter to a person if they believe strongly enough in their cause

"His point is that the word has changed meaning from a gay person to meaning someone who is annoying or "a faggot.""

"that reinforcement only works properly if there are individual beliefs underpinning everything else."

"If you do the right thing only because other people tell you to, that does not, IMO, make you a particularly good person, only an obedient one."

general observation about people defending the right to use "gay" and "faggot" like south park and louis ck. and especially with regard to south park - something that they miss is WHY faggot is considered offensive in our society.

"My advice, mute everyone on XBL and don't visit websites/forums populated by foul mouthed 12 year olds. This is something that the rest of the internet who doesn't like to be offended by *stuff has already figured out."

"I own them. They're mine, and I'll use them as I see fit."

i'm not even going to read the comments but i'll bet about half will be the work product of misguided libertarians drawn out in impassioned defense of defacto slave labor, defacto indentured servitude and defacto child labor everywhere... because... as we should all know by now... everything that free markets do is to