

who in a fictional movie, novel or game is victimized? in almost all of the above, it's male enemies that are killed by the bucketful and you don't hear us whining.

hip to waist ratio. bigger women were considered attractive in different points in european history as well but what maintains is a general consensus on hip to waist ratio.

we're fucking animals. that is ALL.

you are completely misreading both my post and the original article.

it's NOT male privelege.

you're kinda all over the place here....

ohhhhh... so have we entered the land of "female privelege" where i dare not tread...

"Notice a trend here? These are not the massive beefcakes alpha-males that are supposedly as equally objectified as Kasumi, Ayane or Ivy. These men have longer torsos with much leaner builds; they're built like swimmers rather than weight-lifters. They're not men who scream "unstoppable physical power". They're lithe

you forgot to mention those points that show that you are genuinely wrong.

totally agree. it's ridiculous to punish people for exploiting developer flaws. one of the many reasons why i do not and never will play mmos.

completely off the mark criticism.

geez this guy is sooooooo delusional. he sucks up with one hand while slapping with the other.... total face palm of a dude that should have absolutely nothing to do with "public relations". maybe a job as "abusive prison guard"?

wow, I guess it takes very very little to make you feel like you've made your point. Congratulations in being so easily self satisfied.

actually, it's a remarkably relevant saying precisely because people won't let go of the notion that good intentions actually matter.

doesn't chuffed mean to be pleased in british slang?

it's not because you have independent thought - it's because your independent thought is fucked up.

your just as bad as the pr guy. If you think he's doing such a great job, may you share his fate... Which should be dropping in 3, 2, 1 ...

"the road to hell is paved in GOOD INTENTIONS"

totally agree. a fingerpainting by a toddler is art goddammit. it's not very good but it's art!