
right but if vaccinating half results in benefits for the wider population per the article, you would imagine the chicks would get the benefit of less virus going around.

i don't get why things are still going extinct. just gather up their seed and cryogenically store it into perpetuity in that crazy ass ice ark in norweigh or greenland or wherever it is. done and done.

gak... you liked the tank scene in last crusade?

lol... YES! YES! a thousand times YES!

"Oh she confronts her abusers in violent revenge fantasies?"

"THANK YOU! I'm so tired of people praising a character who (spoiler alert) uses rape against a rapist, as though it's empowering to women because she is a woman who does it to a man. It's still rape, people!"

first book's ending i think... she goes to town with her winnings before bookin' it to the carribean... actually maybe it's beginning of second book....

does it help that it's not vaginal rape? it's anal rape!

i'm in cgi now but i grew up making movies and studied film in uni. :)

actually, I should have been more clear - my guess is that the interior of the plane is a set as in inside a soundstage. So it would be an interior studio location that is ideally suited to record the audio from the performances.

I'm going to reply this to two different comments - my wager is that it is as unintelligible as it now is because it was recorded live. No audio mixer worth his salt would let THAT go out from a 'clean' voice take.

I'm going to reply this to two different comments - my wager is that it is as unintelligible as it now is because it was recorded live. No audio mixer worth his salt would let THAT go out from a 'clean' voice take.

why not vaccinate males only? less political brouhaha i think...


still looks fake though.

which itself is awful... hate hate hate that goddamn stupid batman voice.

nolan also makes terrible choices with voices. people still make fun of the batman voice and i really genuinely hate it. it completely hamstrings bale and makes him sound like clint eastwood with a frog in his throat.

and if there's not then that's that.

and you have a simple inability to see and think clearly without needlessly obfuscating.

"Actually, there are studies which show that people will genuinely pay more attention to attractive women than unattractive women."