
" i.e. pretend to give a shit"

" There are men who only pay attention to attractive women."

"- Females 25 years of age and older make up the largest block of PC game players accounting for 46.2 percent of all players and 54.6 percent of all game play minutes in December 2008.

talk about missing the point:

you are completely misunderstanding what i am saying. i'm not saying that men are judged on their looks.

i'm not saying he did.

thanks for citing your resume.... :P

stop being a condescending putz you delusional little shit.

wanna show me a demographics on men to women split in video games? in COD? come on... it's primarily men.

so you're saying that i should EXPECT to see men's articles in glamour. that's what you're saying?

"Men also won't have their opinions weighed or dismissed solely on the basis of how sexy or attractive they are."

all of these kinds of articles - that seem to be so popular on kotaku - are misguided.

howabout a game - we put each of the stories in the classic pitch form of "it's like X meets Y"...

re: flashback.... maaaan... that's a looooooong fucking walk for a short drink of water.

lol... for me it's brad bird and simon pegg... fuck... why why why did you have to make mission impossible so that crazy tom gets the credit?! gah....

i'm aware of the danger of letting expectation undermine the value of the thing itself but imo, that is not the case here. and it's not an expectation of balls to the walls action but just that the action actually depicted, which it itself tried to make exciting, fell completely flat.

wait, you replace the villain that raped ms. marvel and replace it with "God", it's basically the jesus story. especially with the notion of the trinity, mary was impregnated by God and gave birth to God.

what? there's a telepath from the hellfire club and phoenix gave him what he claimed he wanted - the power of the phoenix - and he went mad instantly. a DUDE. phoenix story line wasn't at all about how a WOMAN could not handle omnipotence and omniscience, it's that NO MORTAL could.

i have a cyanogenmod rooted hp touchpad and i tried out onlive last night... and i'm just gobsmacked that this WORKS! what the hell... how is it that there's no significant latency problems? frame rate is solid and controls feel good (if not great on the virtual joy sticks).

can't speak for this game but infinity blade 1 ran like butter on the 3gs....