
"I would argue that the decision to betray a human being as he is begging for his life is one of the most cruel, evil and animalistic things one could do. Moral? Good? You murdered a man. In cold blood. No remorse, no hesitation, no regrets."

i have it on pretty good authority that you can conduct a rather involved light saber battle while standing just inches above lava on hovering machines.

yeah but there's a rich tradition of human beings writing about beings that are leaps and bounds above us - i.e. religion. hell, it's vinge that taught me the the truly awesome phrase "applied theology".... so let us in on some of those classes!

awesome awesome article. so well written. thanks much!

i hope he goes far future. would love to see his take on the transcend.

"In a side event, participants were asked: 'What should we do, and what is the most effective method?'

rarely have i read something so long that's so ridiculous.

listen to how vv talks about it though. he's making it out to be "silly". one day you look to the west and you see a mountain.

well as i said, you are certainly entitled to your opinion and there do seem to be a lot of people who actually like the movie. but since you asked, my problems:

ummm... doesn't seem like they're spending much money on anything. they're talking about it. heck, there wasn't even a special meeting set up for it... it was just a side convo in a prescheduled event about larger concerns.

> and the opfor realizing they could use that to their advantage.

EXACTLY... srsly, EA needs to get a fucking grip.

the logical extreme of what the red cross is calling for is a driving game where people adhered to the rules of the road. hahaha....

it's an interesting point.

YEAH! punish those who need their help! that'll show them!

but fictional worlds can impart real world values on those who consume them - especially the young. that's the point.

jesus christ - is the guy on chrystal meth or something? REAL?!?

wtf? you're a developer and you're working a target machine(s). if your game violates the limits of the target machine, that's not the hardware maker's fault. that's the fault of the game dev.

no it's not. that's a spoon.

> therefore the original energy imparted by the 'Big Bang' isn't competing against so much gravity as it would be in a denser, younger region of space.