
the post was completely facetious... as can be noted by how many times the word "horniness" is used... hehe....

you have a right to your opinion but we are on opposite shores and never the twain shall meet.

hated the movie and don't understand how anyone can like it. an actual adaptation of the book would be freakin' awesome.

i'm so tired of all this american, puritanical prudishness. just why is horniness among ghosts considered wrong and yet ghosts killing is just fine... and ghosts killing with guns is even better for some reason? horniness is a natural human and ghostly impulse. we shouldn't reject and repress supernatural horniness

i actually think it's a good, clean reconstruction of the akira plot into hollywood movie form. i loved akira (anime) - visuals are spectacular... but the story was completely incoherent... wtf is going on with... everything? just unintelligible gobbledygook interspersed with the colonel comically utter "grrrrrrr"

question is, regarding a science story with science writers/fact checkers, would other news organizations make a goof this big? akin to mistaking a forest for a single tree (at best). orrrrrrr... is fox news uniquely careless and impervious to facts, science, reality, etc. and reveal their contempt for all things

the control group is flawed. if the study was to say something specific about VIOLENT video games, then the other group should have played something just as immersive and challenging but NOT violent... maybe super mario or something.

> I wish Kotaku would tell me "We don't want you to go away."

and yet there are legions of people out there contributing to FOSS projects just for the hell and fun of it.

ahhh, the battle cry of the GOP.... i find myself in a chicken and egg moment here...

if they're gonna bitch all the time, i'd rather they just shut up and get out. besides, their always on copy protection disqualifies them from a gigantic chunk of pc users anyway. better they just not pollute the channels with their bitching.

hey ubisoft, do us all a favor and STFU and GTFO of the pc market already. GET OUT. you're unseemly belly aching is making all my tiny violin players very very tired.

that was so freakin' hard just to get past the first part.

how many americans were able to determine being born as an american as opposed to a rwandan?

goddamn, can we just tell him to shit or get off the pot? don't make your fucking game for the pc! but get out of the fucking way for the legion of people behind you who are itching to do it.

goddamn that moron gives asians (and probably koreans) a bad name... fuck.

hmmm interesting. actually i didn't notice the textures cuz i was so freakin' pleased that the game is running at 1920x1080... hahaha... i realize now that i did upgrade from dual core to quad during the interim between mw2 and mw3 but man, i still can't get over it.

by authentic i meant more the military milieu than the geopolitics.

that would have been the pinnacle of ballsyness. but just because it's not michael jordan doesn't mean it's not a shaq either...

i'm not a huge fan of activision's policies but i really dig the MW series.