
MW1 started with lines from ALIENS. MW2 had moments cribbed from THE ROCK. it was always overthetop and belligerently hollywood blockbuster. i always liked that.

but something has to drive that.

re: raelians

"isn't rule by geniuses a bit, well, elitist?"

that guy is high or stupid. MW is a good action flick. a good tom clancy thriller. it doesn't speak to the human condition or the true nature of man and warfare than bruce willis' die hard. that doesn't take away from what it is though - a really well told action-movie-like game. but it's not hurt locker or saving

you have a reading, writing and general comprehension problem and to top it all off, you believe all the martial arts hype your wee brain can get its little mitts on...

according to the article, it's not "per capita"... i.e. it's not normalized for population. so the chart is saying that utah is the 34th most populous (out of 50 so that should read - there's NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE THERE) but has the 6th highest amount of readers (despite how few people there are).

"If you're complaining about the realism in this, then you'd be a hypocrite claiming that you don't have a problem with the vast majority of all mainstream media: TV, movies, video games (especially), comic books, graphic novels, books, and a host of other mediums. In which I couldn't take your opinion seriously when

that's the martial arts p.r. but as i said elsewhere, i've never seen a non demonstration, real fight where a small guy beats up a much bigger guy without the bigger guy being incapacitated somehow (drunk, asleep, already dead).

i have not. neither have i seen a small guy ever get the upper hand over a much larger opponent.

make a bet with ya, pick any small fry 120lbs or less and pit them against the MMA champ... see who comes up on top.

if anyone's into table top miniatures war gaming like warhammer/40k or field of glory, ravenmark on the ios is freakin' awesome. best implementation of battlefied, company level, tactical combat i've seen in electronic form anywhere.

i'm kind of getting sick of all of media becoming ever more and more unrealistic. all of the bullet proof dry wall, faster than an explosion escapes and exaggerated efficacy of martial arts tropes is getting to me.

no animal would be raised just to slaughter. that is a noble goal. akin to not making children just to have them labor in a factory as soon as they can stand.

argh... what a fucking moron. he exercised his freedom of speech to confirm that he's a fucking moron.

god I fucking hate ass holes who never stop flapping their lips and the idiots who fall fir such bullshit artists. Hope he reaps the misery he has visited on others ten fold.

we'll never forget ronnie moore. just like we'll never forget chris carter. WHO????

kilmty... also senkiewiczy...

kilmty... also senkiewiczy...

hey cj, what software (if you use software) do you use for writing? I just found out scrivener is just becoming available for pcs and apps like that and liquid story binder are an epiphany for me. An 'IDE' for stories kinda thing... I think I'm in love. Also, what's the motivation for using pulp covers in your