
also gibson's burning chrome short story anthology is a more fun read. but yeah, definitely snow crash... man, that thing is pegged at 11 all the way.

i think it's a bit misguided to call this misogyny... i feel like the guys on the panel were being a bit more magnanimous than was warranted.

i beat it but half-life was pretty creepy for me. the head crabs always always just freaked me the hell out. geez, and the barnacle things too... and the bipedal mouth things... ack... just a whole bunch of shit in that game freaked me out.

we are the littles... lalalalala

"While for the sake of player ease one of the war's biggest features - the "hidden" nature of the Viet Cong - was removed with combatants and civilians distinguished by the colour of their "pyjamas""

the trailer looked awful. as an adult without kids, it just looked awful.

it got sooooooo much worse... their first night together after 3 years and after he did a shitload of stuff for her and the family - he sleeps on the couch! WTF?!?!?!?!!?!?!

there's lots about the movie that didn't make sense. loved the book though.

then your girlfriend can't watch.

it's awful. it's sooo awful. can't get over the pilot. soooooo awful. so cliched. so hackneyed.

i'm of two minds on this. you're right - technically, he was a green beret as it was defined at the time. BUT, when he sold his services to the tv show, i'm sure he was playing off what is UNDERSTOOD to be "green beret" today... as in badass, ass kicking, paratrooping, terrorist gutting mofo in a green beret.

people have been saying that the pc and pc gaming will die for a looooooooooooooong time now.

gahhhh... they didn't even understand the freakin' 180 degree rule?! yeeesh... who was shooting this stuff?

it's not a funny thing about my android example... that was my POINT. android and linux ARE FRAGMENTED.

and yet... valve, activision and blizzard can release games that actually aren't broken.

they can't possibly be using the joystick for manual flight control when the drone is over the middle east could they? maybe RTS like point and click "go there", "attack this" controls... but direct control? wouldn't the latency f things up?

from otakuman24 "That requirement wasn't implemented until February 25th, 1995, and he had already served and left the military in 1994. "


right but what would happen to the cage? could it catch fire? melt?

QUESTION: i assume they're not LYING when they said that rage was working fine on the machines and drivers that they had in house...