
after watching so many episodes of survivorman, man vs wild, dual survival and that show where hawk and his wife traipse around in the boonies that we could all easily survive by building a fire, creating a still for fresh water and subsisting off of grubs, insects and other creepy crawly vectors of protein.

right. any electronic pathways would burn/melt by being overloaded -whether on or off.

you'd think that after a few of these kinds of things in the media (this is the second i've heard of) that companies and producers would take the extra bit of effort to VET these guys!

a single game or even a single studio can't suddenly create standardization. and game developers don't play nice with each other. they can't even agree among themselves so how likely is it that it can leak out as a unified front to consumers?

totally agree. did he get hit on the head or something? has he not been paying attention to people bitching about even mundane things like not being able to tweak the FOV?

it's applicable here because the source engine games look great and run well. do you think consumers care about that or "gigatextures"?

DO NOT begin this process without clicking through to the original link. the process written in lifehacker is INCOMPLETE. you also need itunes 10.5 beta 7 or greater before you can do this.

" but if you're not a scientist and don't have current science to back you up, the only way in which you can be right is INCIDENTALLY. ACCIDENTALLY. "

what a fallacious fucking twit. YES SCIENCE **CAN** BE WRONG. but if you're not a scientist and don't have current science to back you up, the only way in which you can be right is INCIDENTALLY. ACCIDENTALLY.

we're also assuming that the aliens will take care of our economic and ecological problems and not lie about that either. if we're going to play hypothetical, we're going to play hypothetical.


wait wait... what do they WANT THEM FOR? if it's to take them away from the torment they've had to endure and create for them a paradise of pleasure and wealth and said people WANT to go... why not? I'D GO!

and yet, portals, halflifes, and counterstrikes run fine for most people. this is not ignorantly blaming a developer. it's aptly blaming a developer.

more like a little milling machine than a printer (the MAKE one as well as the chinese one are printers). wonder which technique produces the better models. on first blush, it seems like the models produced from this little machine are much nicer and smoother.

actually, it's beyond me why we don't have an "ark" program like with the seeds buried under (norweigh?) so that we just keep genetic information on every animal on earth. all the stuff about cloning is technical problems that probably will be overcome. just start cataloging and we'll go a long way toward mitigating

meh... even if FTL neutrinos were true, it would probably be a cockblocking kinda thing like with entanglement... there'll be something in the system that disallows the really cool stuff.

other studies have shown that conservative brains are indeed different from liberal brains.

as many have noted - there's nothing wrong with stealing.

what about the obligatory, retaliation counter-rapes of human males on zombie females...?

How Superhero Movies Can Escape the ‘Too Many Villains’ Problem = Have One Villain ... end of article. that's all that needs to be said. everything else is true - multiple villains means multiple subplots and multiple origin stories... argh. enough with the goddamn origin stories! but the essence of the solution