
"best"? "on earth"? ...


it would have been cool if the police response (and difficulty) increased over time. so first response is regular cops. then swat team is scrambled. then they start setting up snipers. makes it progressively difficult the more you dick around. also, are riot shields bullet proof? against rifle rounds? that's

what an assinine article.

oh yeah... you gotta caulk rugs... everybody knows a nice plush rug needs a caulking... mmmm... caulking....

hmmm... remember reading that that stuff was hand animated but i could be wrong.

"Star Wars didn't really use CG/digital special effects"

agree. primary reason is that we're just too fractured and there's just TOO MUCH STUFF.

i'd argue that the first matrix came closest in the modern era.

first dwarf (what the hell is the pc term anyway? little person sounds wrong too) to win an emmy? can't imagine it is not so.

as the drunk driving video showed, all this needs is a fetus hitler (alright, maybe a fetus darkseid) and all sides are balanced again. and to be needlessly self revelatory, i'm pro choice but unless the life/health of the mother is at stake, abortion would be abhorrent to me at the stage of life the fetuses are

"The experts have spoken on the issue and were very clear that the measures in the bill would fundamentally harm the structure and the security of the internet and yet it still enjoys the support of a little over a dozen Democratic representatives."

i use a lot of words to say something. you use a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. and say things like "verifiably" without actually bringing up a SINGLE incident in which a dem did not embrace academic understanding. you just say "oh it's been proven" without even evidently having a single event to

harlan ellison is a microcosm of current patent law... as it pertains to technology. as it pertains to code. i only hope he amps it up so that the analogy becomes more clear. maybe he can serve as a grim ward....

i'm pretty sure her tits were as rockin' in firefly. but if you'll remember, she wore very loose and ragged clothing until the end... that's why i knew who christina hendricks was... because of her rack - from firefly.

"They might be relatively better about it but in absolute terms they're really not much better and this, "far and away the greater purveyors of falsehoods, outright lies and complete departures from reality" is nothing but pure hubris."

"Thinking one political movement has the market cornered on ignorant overconfidence is pure hubris."

that's EL debarge to you. and ohhh yeah... the last dragon... that movie where michael jackson fights bustarhymes.... that movie's trippy.

yeah... that's the general problem with the american left. the assumption that truth, reality, logic and sanity are enough to move a people.

"why did you say you could fly the plane?!"