
some of the stuff seems nit picky and wrong - if there are two cars traveling side by side and the occupants are interacting with each other, most of the time, the axis of action becomes drawn between principle players in scene, not direction of travel (like shot reverse shots between driver & passenger in every

personally, i like the attention to continuity but i like the notion of the multiverse with earth 1, earth 2, etc... i think crisis on infinite earths was a big mistake.

hahaha... well godspeed pilgrim! belly of the beast indeed! :)

what do you mean precious metals are "attracted" to iron? what like magnets?

i think the premise is flawed. you are saying that for people with different beliefs, the beliefs are merely DIFFERENT, none of them are ACTUALLY WRONG. beliefs lead to conditions and it's unlikely that vastly differing ideals would lead to a "common good".

wow... awesome article.

me too!

absolutely. as i say elsewhere, rome fell. there is nothing intrinsic about the man made institution of capitalism that makes it future proof.

or we can ease into the post-scarcity (and that is what free labor will lead to) world by embracing a big chunk of socialism while keeping some of the perks at the top - if you do not/cannot contribute to the work of society, you live in comfort and security. if you have the creative, intellectual and executive

it's inevitable. eventually, there will be no need for human labor except for the most executive, creative, decision making posts. meaning, there will be a lot of people who are no longer qualified to contribute to work. and it is this that will make socialism ultimately inevitable. there will simply be nothing

the point of the article is - WHY does our intuitions and behaviors align the way they do? it's saying that it's odd that our intuitions DO NOT line up with classical reality - as it should. if our intuition is not according to mathematical probability, then why is it the way it is? where does that come from? and

imo, the movie suit is better than the comic's reboot one... there isn't a belt because a belt is not needed and the lines look better and more "kryptonian" here than in the rebooted version. the suit could have used more red accents to balance the boots but all in all.. pretty good.

that shot bothers me. it rings false.

biggest problem was simple and it was about basic story - where does the hero start? where does the hero end?

i think there are a lot of flaws with this kind of generalization. making yourself vulnerable depends on what kind of person you are and what kind of people you are targeting. i think everyone can think of examples of people who would make themselves absolute pathetic wretches of themselves if they added open

gawd that looks awful... ugh...

hmmmm... space elevator actually is a kinda interesting problem.... mechanically, it's stupid simple. it's just a car for fuck's sake... but the power is a genuine issue.

clearly has wings and is gliding i.e. using aerodynamics to fly... and not antigrav or something.

we're missing a gary coleman different strokes arcade game.
