
all the anti-genres have been done and in their own way are old and familiar as well:

no, that's a great list.

that's awesome. i loved seinfeld and curb your enthusiasm.

absofuckinglutely!!! the entire franchise is a heaping pile of excrement! bad decisions from soup to nuts resulting in convoluted, ridiculously overcomplicated robot designs that aren't so much cool as just visual noise.

totally agree about the chick... there's a shot where shia is holding her face in the commercials and she just looks like she suffered a severe brain injury a second before...


what? that's a GREAT story... and very plausibly the real one.

i'm sold. let's go.

i gave up after the episode where sean bean kills sansa's wolf. i read the book and the show felt a bit... "detached". i lost interest in the show.

totally agree... people forget ROTJ had the speederbikes! yeah ewoks. but speeder bikes!

the road warrior action scene is the only one in cinema history that's ever made me say to myself, "man, that looks dangerous...."

you have a point that nolan isn't the greatest director for 2nd unit stuff... but that's a small knock against a guy who can nonetheless make a MOVIE.

first thing i thought of.

yeah, i found that portion of the article somewhat delusional myself. hell, personal agency is by and large a delusion. we are tiny players on a huge world where we could not even determine our place of birth and we are to believe that WE have primary control? nature, nurture and the world are pretty daunting

mark strong is literally good in everything he's in. he MAKES the movies he's in a lot of times.

"If you turn your brain off you can't understand what's happening, but if you don't you cant enjoy it. "

i'm normally the nay-sayer (my comments on zack snyder are pretty scathing) and i usually agree with charlie jane but i'll put myself out on a limb - i liked it.

next stop will be vernor vinge's computing motes that are powered by radio waves and then after that, iain m banks' occasional nuisances of hegemonic swarm invasions....


how to train your dragon had a great score,