
if this movie tanks, reynolds as deadpool is in jeopardy... hollywood tends to be unforgiving....

what a great overview!

couldn't hurt.

cool thanks! gotcha, so it's just a representational thing for projecting onto a flat surface... come to think of it - the map of the universe is probably spherical in actuality isn't it? equidistant in all directions from earth?

i asked this on another thread but anyone know why the maps of the visible universe are always in the shape of an oblong elipse that is wider horizontally than it is vertically?

TEEEEEeeeeerrrrible title. stupid stupid stupid.

what does it mean that the depictions of the universe are always oblong and longer horizontally than vertically?

the true ugliness of americans is in display in your attitude that everyone must view every subject (including the swastika) EXACTLY as americans deem it to be treated - for FUCK'S SAKE!

has nothing to do with compassion for pete's sake....

hmmmm.... you must look at a different newspaper than i do....

so would you rather have your kids deal with the fact that their parent killed a shitload of people in a moral quandary to save their lives.

for your edification:

note: i capitalize for EMPHASIS. go back and read my post. SCREAMING individual words in the midst of sentences simply does not read.

your contention then is that because of this ideological similarity that nazis would have the same mental presence in the mind of the chinese as their immediate oppressors, the japanese?

heh, well... their solution seems to be to continually reduce the revenue and role of government until only the fittest will survive.

"Like a true politician, you ignored all of my points. Thank you for that. "

personally, i like to back them up against the wall, hang them with their own words, use their own premises against them and leave them with nothing but a whimpering "because... because..."

no whore will beat that red headed fellater from episode 1... fuuuuuuuuuuu she is blindingly hot.....

batman doesn't really have "super powers" though.

yeah but we're talking about this movie.