
according to the old testament, he would convicted as a war criminal with crimes against humanity (as commander of the israelites).

"that infrastructure still exists and has needs, and characters inescapably acknowledge the fact, in some manner, in how they live their lives"

no one's saying there isn't a difference.

haha, nope. didn't play cp2020... i always saw it on the shelf and thought about getting it but i figured shadowrun probably has the rules to cover that kinda world anyway. : )

saw thor over the weekend and it made me think along the lines of this article too... specifically, how when technology becomes advanced enough, it can (like arthur c. clark said) become indistinguishable from magic because FORM NEED NOT BE RELATED TO FUNCTION.

and this doesn't work with anyone who is even moderately intelligent.

yeah. the guy sounds like a prick with his head up his own ass. if you don't want to adapt the source material, make your own fucking work. why is he even calling the endeavor an "adaptation" then?

tho i don't play mmos and i probably never will, this is what i was going to say.

and i'm saying that the REASON he claims that dog shit is unequivocally real is not as exceptional as he says. it's anecdotally cute but put up against the complexity of the arguments of solipsism and the unknowability or reality, it's just a cute little thing that doesn't prove much.

no, everyone ELSE is an npc

that's a nice story but we have stuff in our souls that are far worse and far more foul than dog shit.

yeah, i always thought that the "occlusion culling" that seems apparent in quantum physical phenomena seemed to be uncomfortably similar to the same culling techniques in computer games... find out what the "user" can see and stop processing everything he can't.

right but the only purpose for eating is to sustain life and that's not a concern for dead zombies too... a pure aggression would at least be logical defensible - not consumption... just rabid, mindless beating the shit out of anything that moved - but they're never portrayed as merely that. they want to eat flesh in

"The ring generates what lanterns inherently know and imagine. Sure, they can picture a giant hammer and throw it around, but if they have the instinct to wield massive guns (regardless of knowing it's internal workings)"

"The ring generates what lanterns inherently know and imagine. Sure, they can picture a giant hammer and throw it around, but if they have the instinct to wield massive guns (regardless of knowing it's internal workings)"

oooooo sweet... thanks for the heads up! must check this out....

yes, yes we get it. you're rabidly feminist. got the membership card and everything. got it. jeez, are you burning a bra at the moment too?

came for the stars, stayed for the muse.

right... that's what i said. :)

wow, never heard of this actor before but he was amazingly articulate and genuinely reverent of the source material. i haven't seen the movie yet but i will be disappointed if i don't come out of it as a fan.