
i hate the cgi body and costume! still! is ryan reynolds not cut enough?!?! gahhh... dumb dumb dumb.... as dumb as making the fantastic 4's THING non-cgi....

pretty damn sure all live action was converted and was shot with non stereo cameras.


cock sucker!

right... especially where zombies are portrayed as actively decomposing and are dead, it is completely impossible. the whole notion of "animated corpse" is completely indefensible without a supernatural component.

that's assuming that everyone else is standing around with their thumbs up their butts while these monkeys go around ravaging grocery stores and possibly pets.

right but just like evolution, this leads to trial and error sampling.... i doubt there is a craving for neurotransmitters but even if there was, you wouldn't know "AHA! i need to eat brains!"... you would go through those things around you to try to satiate your craving (which is how we probably developed our

oh, and not to mention that if everything but the reptilian brain is knocked out, then these zombies would be fucking and diddling their brains out too....

again, a chicken sandwich doesn't give off that infection marker either. why would a zombie somehow inherit a cannibalistic activity that is completely alien to humans (and most mammals for that matter) instead of doing the FAAAAaaaaar easier thing of pulling up to a mcdonald's drive thru?

again, it's too specific. chicken, beef and tofu doesn't give off that chemical marker either. so why not just keep doing what you've done all your life - eat a chicken sandwich. or a hamburger. or french fries. or a seitan wrap.

zombies simply don't and can't work without the supernatural angle. its ecology is totally impossible.

actually, it explicitly DID NOT wipe out the original timeline.

considering his money troubles, i think we have to cut him some slack on the material he chooses to grace with his presence.... last i heard, he was in the red for millions of dollars.... so i figure he's gotta jump at everything that bites.

as someone mentioned, there is no indication of what a person's "life savings" consist of.

there needs to be a good example of this in the article.

this is also a perfect and obvious way to look like a douchebag who's trying too hard.

the premise is just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... too much like avatar... it doesn't help that quarritch is back and giving orientation speeches.... gahhh

great article.

"As bad as post traumatic stress can be, it is a bad idea to erase such strong memories; such memories of life changing moments are far too pivotal to who we are to allow them to be destroyed. "

"if you never thought about murdering someone, you never been in love." chris rock.