
@CougarAries: the more obvious question is to question the concept of currency.

wait, why wouldn't it be different if we happened to discover rhodium or palladium earlier? are they intrinsically difficult to detect or something?

we're so glad you found us

awesome that first pic in this article has the actor checking out the chick's ass.... hahahaha.... carry on.

i really tried to think about which way i would cradle but whenever i've held an animal (cat, dog, ferret), it almost always involved it being directly in front of me with right hand under the "arm pits" and left hand supporting rear legs and bum.

wait if it's only 62mph at the launch, when the hell does it hit 150mph?

Hell fucking yes I would! It is literally the best of all worlds. I'd love to be able to enjoy my meat while secure in knowledge that no animals suffered and died for my fill.

@cobrausn: well avatar's more along the plot conventions of POCAHONTAS, DANCES WITH WOLVES, 1492, BATTLE FOR TERRA, etc... where the protagonists are still part of the invasion party.

srsly... wtf? there's something about that trailer that elicits "incredible"? or "spine tingling"? really? really?

gahhhh.... it's ridiculous when a girl that pretty is "playing a loner"... ugh...

@BlueFalcon7: wth?! if i learned that in school, i certainly didn't understand they were freakin' turbines!

@mikita: "out of context problem"

whoa... they got turbines in there?

@waclark57: yah but the idea that an iphone is disposable... maaaannnn...

@Gregsvo: that's a really good point and i'm so glad you brought it up.

@LeftClicker: #1 is the problem for me... if i can somehow GET PAID to write... if i could make writing my living, i'd soooo be able to do it.

@DrForbidden: "But there are many things beyond human influence and control."

@OzymandiasX: oh right right... bsg was before earth and so caprica would be before that...