
@Savant74: even now, i'm trying to figure out what it was... maybe it's the fact that they're trying to play it off on the cheap?

but then is happiness an enemy of self awareness... "an unreflected life is not worth living" seems to require a bit of introspection and "wandering".

i liked bsg but ever since i heard of caprica, there was literally NOTHING that seemed cool or neat about it.

@GeorgeDW: well it's certainly not a settled issue...

@GeneralBattuta: that's called space stank. don't let out the space stank.

@BENTrandom: i saw the preview a few weeks back and they talk about it. it's an actual pager and the kid thinks it's funny and old school too.

but hard sci fi is not just about future tech. it's about plausible future tech that accedes to science as we currently understand it.

@Walfisch: "Perhaps persistence was a bad word. But the fact of the matter is your argument is saying that information can be changed, therefore it never need to be preserved in some way in the past."

great point about the detour being symptomatic of a deeper structural flaw somewhere in the foundation of your original story.

@ArtForge: i don't see the fucking....

i miss the original english dub where that colonel guy's every other utterance was....

@cruzer555: hey nobody's forcing you to switch to auto-driving cars. you'd rather drive than talk on your cel phone or text, bully for you. enjoy.

as others have noted... how useful is a fusion explosion?

personally, i hate driving. and i think it's clear most americans do too.

@Walfisch: "But your comparison doesn't remove the information of those things from existence. Physics requires either a persistence of that information. The destruction of the information at the point of your birth would stop you from existing right now because the information has to translate forward."

@Walfisch: well let's not even assume the existence of "all time lines" or "time travel paradoxes".

@Doctor_Memory: i hope you're right on all counts. i grew up with comic books but if the studios dick with the creatives and try to squeeze blood from a rock, then fuck em.