
@iluvbakedgoods: that's true but you get a lot more cache for being an "archer". robin hood wouldn't have gained nearly the reputation and fame if he was a deadly accurate "poker" or "stabber".

@Elcheecho: well, as mentioned in the article, when something is a significant distance away, you actually have to aim away a bit. so with a bow an arrow, if you can run faster than your target, it behooves you to get right up against it before you fire. so typical situations like this involve toddlers and the

@twophrasebark: because of his messiah like perfection, imo, the only way to make a superman movie work is to really make him SUFFER.

also, i keep seeing an image in my head that would make the superman symbol non-ridiculous to me.

brainiac would be the best. tooootally agree.

it must be noted that what the article is saying is true only for objects that are farther than arm's length away.

"so you see, all your diseases are in perfect equilibrium with each other. it's like all these plushy novelty germs trying to get through a door... they kind of cancel each other out."

actually, in the U.S., i think you COULD plead the 5th.

anyone would look weird next to brian denehy... except maybe chris farley.

every time i see those wing suit guys and especially in how close they get to the ground at some points, i keep thinking that there's got to be a snowy mountain somewhere where the slope is just right so they could actually LAND without a parachute. they'd have to bleed off a lot of speed but if they strap like a

take that socialism!

bleeeuuuuggh. frankly i'm surprised there are so many yay-sayers.

@SGTalon: hahaha... nice! but if that thing flies, i gotta think that the weight to power ratio is so disproportionate that you could probably make a foam bathtub fly.

@-MasterDex-: also, the duck in this case is a middle class 15 year old kid on his x-box in the suburbs of north america or western europe.

@-MasterDex-: again, the taliban is IN THE GAME. as NPCs and enemies. in the depiction of military action in the single player campaign, they're in the game. and in that context, they properly represent current military action on the ground in the battlefield.

@bloodyhammer: of course the other side is relative.

@SewerShark: as others have said - time. you know when people tell a joke and say "too soon?" that's the sentiment operating here.

@-MasterDex-: as i said, even though i personally feel that it is of dubious taste, we ARE showing the taliban as NPCs and enemy characters and this is the same role they would play in most movies.

i'm a lefty and i'm all about freedom of speech and in this case, we must take note that there was no federal mandate to change it (and no, the threat of withdrawing military support for the game does not count as censorship)... but having said that, i agree with the decision.

fuck the industry. they had their chance and this is a genuine nuisance. i watch a lot of tv and this bugs the shit out of me and though people may mock it, i WANT GOVT to step in here get them to shut the fuck up.