
i think one aspect is being left out of the description:

@The Intangible Fancy: not really. one way to look at it is that science is specifically ABOUT can'ts... as when it's used to debunk lies and falsehoods (ever seen mythbusters or scooby doo?)

@psychiccheese: nevermind, i get the crux of your objection.

@psychiccheese: nevermind... was not understanding your objection.

@phoghat: no years to astronauts... thousands of years to us....

@tyr_anasazi_74: well what i mean about interstellar space is that a solar sail isn't likely to ever get that fast considering the small push you get from photons and the limited exposure you'll have to them during your time in-system. so yeah, you'll have a velocity but if you ever get anywhere, it will take

@kidentropia: can't go faster than the speed of light.

@b33g33: wouldn't solar sails only be effective in-solarsystem? so the farther out from the sun you go, the less photons you get... until in the middle of interstellar space, you're stuck...

hmmm... this analysis seems wrong headed. an interstellar journey could NOT derive its power and fuel from its launch point! that would be megatons of fuel which in turn would f up gas mileage which in turn would require megatons of fuel etc....

what i really love and respect about these scientists is that they keep saying "i don't know". kinda how you know that someone is telling the truth.

this has been in the news for awhile and it's derived from the well known phenomenona of people falling into icy waters and being deprived of oxygen for ludicrous amounts of time and still coming out fine. unlike other people who have their systems stop for minutes and the oxygen deprivation creates a cascading

bovary! gipple? kest?

@mushrm: looks like there's perspective shift though... doesn't look like a 2d pan on image at least to me....

wonder what kind of rig he had setup for the movement of the camera... time lapse is common enough but seeing really smooth camera moves during is pretty spectacular.

@Vanilla-Terror: i'm not talking about your strawman "bad nuts". i'm talking about YOU and what YOU SAID.

@The Ultimate Tea Cup: *rolls eyes* at rolling eyes... raiders of the lost ark is in many ways physically impossible too so it would be perfectly valid for indiana jones to be firing lasers from reel 1?

@MrLebowski: star wars is physically impossible too so it wouldn't harm the movie anyway if han solo could arbitrarily jump 120feet into the air at whim or chewbacca can shrink and grow and vomit pink unicorns?

@Vanilla-Terror: you're being short sighted... it doesn't take much effort to go back to a time when people considered the human body as sacred and the idea of BUTCHERING the flesh of another man for the sake of intervening in the processes that God set in place was heresy of the highest order.

@Batmanuel: man, that would be a GREAT response movie to yamato.... there would be a LOT of uncomfortable tie/collar pulling from that....