
clearly - all high powered lasers must check themselves before they wreck themselves. i thought this was just common knowledge....

hahaha... read some of the posts - indeed, there are other nations whose policies are even now far more progressive and true to the spirit of the internet.

hmmm.... i would imagine this kind of lock down would force a lot of people to go black market.... kinda like "free cable" from the old days but amped and encrypted into the internet age.

yeah i watched this in the states when it first aired and i was just totally and consistently amazed that a show this COOL would and could be on tv. i mean especially the character of max headroom starting out and ending up as being a cheesy commercial pitchman, it's truly amazing that the tv show and movie that he

@manimatr0n: right. if dark energy is currently needed in our framework because without it, the mass in our universe would cause the expansion to slow down then reverse into a big crunch - would the equations work out properly if we just got rid of the part of the universe's mass currently attributed to DARK MATTER.

probably a stupid question but is "obvious" to me that it needs to be asked.

@Evil_Cookies: again, he didn't say it TO her. you've never said someone was inappropriately hot to a friend? never commented on any of your coworkers or bosses or teachers in a way to friends that would make you blush if the object of your comments happened to hear? it would be embarrassing but it wouldn't be

yeah... it seems like she kinda jumped the gun....

this is probably why passenger airplanes don't have ejection seats.

the more i read of millar's stuff, the more it just seems like the belligerent rantings of an incorrigible, knowitall adolescent.

just wanted to note that not all 3d movies use polarized light and also to articulate clearly that the polarization of light happens at exhibition (on the projector), not at all (intentionally) during image acquisition (at the cameras during production - though especially with beam splitter rigs, the mirror can

@Tyrunn: of course all commercial art is money grabs. that's why i said "blatantly". it's the difference between a good whore and a bad whore. both are in it for the money but the good whore gives it to you with feeling. the bad whore never stops looking at the clock or your wallet.

marvel's unseemly moves behind the scenes has soured me on them. they've lost my good will.

@dnwilliams: i'm more inclined to think that marvel made him drop it, especially since he went on record as feeling that the production and script was rushed.

i hope they have a mic too... and an articulated speaker.... come on... just make it a voip device already.

goddammit! they stole my idea!!! except mine simply involved a strong doctor who grabs the woman by the wrists and starts spinning her like he's gonna do a ball toss in the olympics... then there's a team of doctors surrounding them in a circle with catcher's gloves.

@jinchoung: also, because asians DO "own" a lot of their own geek material, we are uniquely able to see that "racial insensitivity" from both sides....

@jinchoung: "nerds of color manifesto" i meant to say... not a banksish "nerds of culture".

@Valerie 'Foxy' E.: well as an asian american, it still feels like it's an argument aimed at a very small portion of total "nerd-dom".

i don't think asians count as a "minority" presence in geekdom - a great big swathe of geekdom comes from japan with their MANGAS, ANIMEs, SONY PLAYSTATIONS, NINTENDOS, and akira kurosawa and a fistful of samurai movies.