
certainly not a novel idea - it's basically what happens in 12 monkeys.

@ShadowStaarr: see that would have been cool... if there were details in the bg that you didn't pick up on like how they were eating a dolphin or their suits were made of paper or the cars had square wheels. or the sky was changing colors, etc.... completely in the background and only noticeable on a second or third

@tetracycloide: ah, you're right. i read that wrong. but still, that might be an even harder argument to make. cuz i'm sure there are earlier 'space marines' vs. aliens than starship troopers that we're not aware of and/or both gw and blizzard were not drawing from (or even aware of) starship troopers but cameron's

@RizzRustbolt: yeah but don't gene stealers (ala 'space hulk') predate zerg?

@Strakus: never tried lucid dreaming myself but i've never heard of "totems" per se.... billy idol was into these goggles that sensed when your eyes were REMing and then start flashing LEDs so that you would perhaps start to see lights in your dream and then realize that you're dreaming....

@Savant74: TOOOOOTALLY agree... starship troopers is NOWHERE NEAR the "nearest antecedent". the immediate inspiration is Games Workshop (40k to starcraft AND warhammer vanilla to warcraft before that).

@WookieLifeDay: yeah, i'm leaning towards a "it's all a dream" interpretation myself. especially since at one point, they specifically say that when you're stuck in limbo, you're stuck. there's no easy coming back. and yet, dom is almost arbitrarily immune to that? i take that "setting the rule" and then

@n. alexander ligon: yah... the mores of screenwriting in hollywood (west) is very specifically solipsistic.... it's probably not so in eastern cultures or to lesser extents even in other foreign works in europe, etc... but since inception is a big hollywood movie, it does a good job of reflecting back the tropes of

@doubledeckard: that's cool for people more familiar with mythology, it was a bit on the nose....

i will say that the sterility of the dreams is something that jars with how i might have portrayed dreams... there wasn't enough truly bizarre things happening around them that are taken matter of factly by everyone... that is what i would have considered dreamlike. like random people that you know fucking on the

@dicksson: that is interesting... the "death of wife" or to generalize - GUILT - motif is strong and unique. as for the questioning the nature of reality, that's old hat and probably owes its modern exploration purely to a one philip k. dick. as passed on to blade runner movie to ghost in the shell to total recall

@glucious: i would beg to differ on your interpretation of what he said. he's qualifying what he's saying later with his first sentence:


@Qev: what you're saying sounds correct. but the fact that we still occupy the same space - as in the the same rubber sheet - is what's tripping me up.

@medicmechanic: oh i plan to! just didnt want to see it tired after work. see it fresh. packin a lunch

@Arken: clearly you don't use the internet then. you can argue a lot of things - that apple funboys aren't that brainwashed. that apple funboys wouldn't gladly toss themselves into a volcano at steve jobs' merest email... but you simply can't argue that there is no such thing as apple funboys.

@Lupison: hahaha... i fully expect the crowd to turn away and in unison bend over and quiveringly utter... "yes steve! fuck us! fuck us now! and again! buttfuck us in the ass steve! we love you. and we always will." and then they will go about rationalizing it all and defending steve to the very last pump, "we

@medicmechanic: right... maybe we're a tick and we're seeing anomalies like dark energy and dark matter that bug us because we know that dogs can run 10mph max and certainly can't fly.... but it may be because the particular dog we're on is being whipped around a tornado in kansas. i mean it might be that it is

@glucious: actually, if we're gonna cite likely sources, i would invoke 1. dreamscape 2. a nightmare on elm street 3. william gibson before invoking gattaca.