
geez couldn't they have made a better shot? he's fucking odin... why is he looking up and smiling? what's up there? jeebus?!


@Qev: but is it clear that we are out of causal contact? couldn't unseen phenomena like "dark matter" and "dark energy" be explained by our perceived universe being embedded in a far far larger volume? so to map the 3d universe onto 2d again, right now, we assume that the universe as we know it is mapped onto the

blade runner is one of the most influential sci fi movies ever made and its production design, visual effects and motifs influence everything from manga and anime to modern day hollywood movies. but imo, it was deeply flawed. if it's true that deckard is a replicant then the movie plays like the first film not only

also, another thing that i've wondered about is whether we're not being somewhat "heliocentric"... how certain are we that the center of the visible universe is actually the center of the universe?

huh? isn't the arrow of time attributed to entropy? the arrow of time exists because everything is going from a more ordered state to a lesser ordered state and it is the progression of that "decay" in everything including our biological cells (and perhaps in particular, our neurons) that gives us the experience of

@dragonfliet: thing is, if you couldn't have taken the measurement before - how do you it "instantly changed"? all you know is that when you did measure it ONCE, it turned out to the be the opposite of the its partner.

@pmbaustin: actually, you make a really good point - so the limitations of this entanglement is such that couldn't we just say in "classical" language that with a "bound" electron/positron pair, that one is always simply the opposite of the other until you heisenbergianly f with it ?

nonono, the OBVIOUS question is... how many quadrotors would it take to allow me to FLY!! FLY!!! FLY!!!!!

@Syntaxatron: i disagree. what you consider intentional ellipsis, i consider holes that detract from logic and more importantly, detract from the drama. brody's change of heart in particular and topher grace going on about how "she never lost faith in him".... that was all from out of nowhere and that doesn't work

@Syntaxatron: does that pass for wit where you come from? : )

oh - and the topher grace revelation maybe should have happened earlier... when nikolai comes to his rescue, you almost find it a wasted effort because we remember the first movie - and an unarmed "doctor" would have been no sport for the predators.

i thought it was good but they left money on the table... it could have easily been great if they just spent a little time closing up some logic gaps and characterization foibles and just some general clumsiness....

@Xaoc: aha! that's it! thanks!

yeah... ever since i've heard of "non newtonian fluids" on a british science show where this guy could run across custard but started sinking as soon as he stopped, it thought it was obvious that this was a potential application... actually, first thing i wanted to try after seeing that was seeing if you can create a

@wagnerrp: also, while even now, vfx studios add in grain to cgi elements that are to be married to 35mm plates, it's not exactly fast or real time (at least when i do it in after effects). sure, you could throw on generic noise that does not replicate the structure and nature of actual film grain but that's not

@wagnerrp: technically, you're right - it's a kind of noise. but here's the thing though, most of us don't feel that the blu-ray conversion should reflect the actual reality being shot... rather, we believe that blu-ray conversion should accurately replicate the ORIGINAL IMAGE as captured by a medium for which the

@Mike Zuniga is a Photographer Apparently: actually, looking at the full-res screenshot that rougegoat posted, i don't think we can agree about that.... that's why i wanted a bigger close up or a full res shot in the red shirt example... it's tough to tell fine grain if something is resampled DOWN... if rougegoat's

@Mike Zuniga is a Photographer Apparently: right right... i caught that on the source website.... but still, the valid question is whether that transfer was any more faithful to the original film print or introduced digital noise that wasn't in the original. in any case, my point is that it's got to be compared with

it's not really comparing apples to apples though... i totally agree that if you eliminate the grain structure of the film medium that it was shot on, that's going too far... but the comparison here is between (what i assume) to be a DVD telecine vs. the remastered bluray.... but is all the noise present on the dvd