
@Shinta: there's a lot of micromanagement in starcraft... and a lot of stuff is routine that gets repeated in game after game after game.... there are stuff that you need to cue up and build, there are units to move (each one can be doing something different), unit powers to activate, recon to do, etc... i'm not sure

whuh? no mention of the incredibles?

oh come on, he's not retracting his apology. he's just saying what he believes in his own opinion. most christians believe that islam, judaism, buddhism and zoarastrianism are wrong without knowing one thing about them. most people even believe that global warming or evolution are right without really having

@IndoMK: unfortunately no. it seems to be any kind of internet video source whether it's flash or html5. i think i even hit it with embedded quicktimes. and it's not really related to streaming and caching either... i'm usually fully cached within a minute of even the longest videos. just the fact that it's trying

tablet written by someone named leibowitz. contains the words possibly referring to milk and eggs.

@IndoMK: unfortunately, it's not. i've got a fast machine, a plenty fast connection and video plays silky smooth in chrome on the same machine. but with firefox, even with the fix brandon cites and is also posted elsewhere on the web, firefox hiccups. so until they publicly address it, i'm done with firefox.

@Brandon Scott Simak: yah, i've tried it. for some reason, it still doesn't work. until they provide a gui button or something for me to just turn their "feature" off, they've successfully driven me off to chrome.

@eien: it's pretty known and pretty prevalent. brandon is citing the most common fix. unfortunately, the fix doesn't work for me and i still get hiccups though it's buttery smooth with chrome.

i stopped using firefox because no matter what i did with configurations, it started playing all web videos haltingly adding a slight stuttering pause every 10 seconds or so.... does firefox 4 fix that?

awww man, why can't i ever meet a hot russian spy?

being a gamer and a graphics geek, i've always thought of observational collapse of the wave function as a kind of real life "occlusion culling". it would be too "expensive" to "render" the universe completely at every moment whether it was "necessary" or not... so the schroedinger's cat is only alive or dead when it

@jupiterthunder: also, you're not a girl. guys are fine dinged up. chicks are different and they feel different about them on their bodies.

finally... steve jobs is getting fellated in an industry that knows how to do it right.

@dv8godd: lack of heat IS lack of motion. and as for moving something that's at absolute zero - you can... it's not about something's movement through space, it's about movement WITHIN ITSELF. so you can have something that's absolute zero and still move it across the room. if absolute zero was possible.

"seek and you shall find" ... can be read not as a promise from God but a simple description of reality.... you will invariably find what you are looking for.

i always thought the magnetic bottle trapped plasma made the most sense... it would also explain why lightsabers don't penetrate each other (magnetic repulsion)... and also that they're essentially massless (i know, the plasma would have mass but would be a heckuva lot less denser than a 3foot steel blade).

ok, i have no involvement with this movie and this is a blind comment from that preview- but it would be really cool if the predators are not all just 8foot tall reptile rastafarians.... that the game preserve is their hunting grounds but also their recruitment center... if you can turn the tables on them, if you

@britboyj: yeah... they'll be in touch alright.... rrrrrrrrrrrr.....

yes... they should totally make the cameras adjustable... not only to rotate from front to back but also to change the interaxial distance between to change the depth volume....