
@Reil: Lifehacker Ninja: yep... the test call works for me too... but it can't get a call from any other phone... have contacted their tech support. will report back if any solution is provided.

anybody able to get sipgate softphone to RECEIVE a call? i can't get the google voice confirmation call to work and when i call the sipgate number with my cel, all i get is dead air. anyone able to get this to work?

anyone have a download link for their windows softphone? it's completely free but completely unavailable on their website!

i agree, this is backup not sync... i would've gone with a google solution if i could but i guess i'm still sticking with simple note which is completely free and accessible anywhere you have a browser.

@im.thatoneguy3: totally. with ilm, all their water/fire/fluids are variations and implementations of their stanford partnered PHYSBAM simulator... really cool... from water dribbling off a submerged ship that's levitating skyward to magic tornadoes of fire... but yah... we've seen it.

@Annalee Newitz: [www.rhino3d.com] yes but look at the price for students and teachers... $200... and if i remember correctly, like adobe apps, there is no restriction for commercial usage so that once you finish school, you've got a job ready tool in your collection.

empire strikes back poster... still remember seeing it for the first time hanging at the mann's chinese.... all i could think at the time was.... woooooooooow.

@DrZaius: thank you... what are these 7 things that we've never seen before? from the first teaser to all the current trailers, there's literally NOTHING i haven't seen before...


wait i don't get it. so clearly, one goes in the vagina and the other goes into the rectum but what's the tether for?

i don't understand NOT using instant replays and overruling referees constantly.

@Daveinva: so are you saying that a couple of degrees of change in temperature is negligible? a sunburn may not be equal to being set on fire but both can indeed kill you. the misleadingly unexciting sunburn can kill you just as dead - you needn't combust. also, lighting a match is different from full body

not even examining the photos but this has to be cgi... it would be pretty irresponsible to irradiate a person like this for frivolous purposes. a single xray's not that big a deal but it all adds up.

@Feyhra: the solution seems obvious for that scenario... have other nuts surgically attached....

oh and as for converting 2d movies to 3d, imo, it is akin to colorizing b&w movies... like why? don't get me wrong, i would love to see schindler's list in color and in 3d... but come on....

alice in wonderland's live action conversion looked ok. as did g-force... but still, i think they should stop short of converting 2d movies that was shot and intended for 2d. no point.

wait... 1920s? when did they make the grand canyon?

actually, i clearly see what's going on with marmaduke. it was simply an opportunity to people to collect a pay check. gotta say that it's not a phenomenon isolated to hollywood. haven't you ever been at a job and seen someone whose only evident purpose in being at work was to get paid? so this was an opportunity

but did you like it?

hmmmm... never noticed a blue tint whenever i'm in near darkness. i have noticed that colors in general are extremely desaturated or even non-existent when it's super dark but never seen anything akin to hollywood.