
The scene in the glass museum from Moonraker, is glorious.

Bump Carey Lowell for Izabella Scorupco, and you’ve got something.

Yeah ok, I think we agree on the work and disagree on how words describe it. They are definitely “harrowing, soul-crushing works about broken men with grim, hollow obsessions that will one day destroy and consume them”. They’re also “unsentimental”.

Movie’s much better than the tepid review suggests.  Much, much better.

My wife & I saw it on Friday, and it is SO FUCKING AWESOME. I’m not just glad I saw it: I’m happy it exists in the world. It makes the world a slightly better place.

Disagree with the “unless” part of the comment. Ennis’ Punisher was deeply layered, and had very strong character moments.

Wait.  I have never heard of The Avocado.

Alright, I’ma come out and say it. Indecent Proposal is actually a pretty decent movie. It is ENORMOUSLY better than its reputation; but of course that is saying very little.  Its third act is pretty wise and emotionally mature, esp in relation to the premise. I was shocked, that one time I watched it, by how much I

As the only person in the world who likes Always (1989), I shall register an objection that none of its set pieces find a home here.  Maybe Dreyfus’ death.  Although Audrey Hepburn as God is a nice little scene, too.

I headed into this article intending to comment, “Calling Watchmen a failed adaptation is setting the bar for success way too high.” Then I actually read it, and the article seems to acknowledge as much, saying “It isn’t a terrible movie.”

So, logistics question: how do we use the Stuart Gilbert study? Do we keep it at our elbow as we read U, as a reference? Do we read the Gilbert first? Do we read them in parallel, with one chapter of U = x pages of Gilbert? What?

Moviegoers may not have given a damn about the movie-serial nostalgia of the movie.  But we sure as hell cared about watching Jennifer Connelly put on her stockings.

Kristen Wiig is a great get, and it’s impossible to believe she’ll be anything but fabulous. In addition to her usual comedy / awkward / zany roles, seeing her in The Martian is an interesting twist. There, she’s a polished professional spokeswoman. Honestly for about half of that movie I didn’t even realize it was

You’re telling me that the hottest chick I’ve ever met in my life wants you, and the Hamburglar wasn’t into me? Listen to yourself. Fuck you.

>> Millar did Civil War (badly)

>> It’s legitimate in the sense that...

>> Claremont also didn’t have a huge impact on the entire genre, he was wildly popular and successful, and is credited with bringing the X-men to the height of their popularity, but you can’t look at his work and contributions and point out how he influenced modern comics.

>> For a writer to be really important, they have to not just do a decent to good job on more than one book; they have to influence the way that the readers and subsequent writers look at comics in general.

>>What the hell was the point of anything that happened in Civil War 2?

I mean, that’s basically everybody though.
Certainly Stephen King, to take one not-at-all-random example.