I read an opinion piece defining "intersectionality" as an idea that basically aids the "victim culture" that ] ](paywall)modern "feminism" and other "-isms" seem to acknowledge/embrace:
I read an opinion piece defining "intersectionality" as an idea that basically aids the "victim culture" that ] ](paywall)modern "feminism" and other "-isms" seem to acknowledge/embrace:
> dermatologist? 'Oh no, that’s way too aggressive of a word!'
Except that "feminist" *is* considered "too aggressive a word" - at least "feminist chauvinism" is, as one person put it.
> contort themselves into impossible shapes
That reminds me of the phrase I read on another article mentioning those who "see womanhood as a Procrustean bed that women have to be stretched or cut down to fit."
Heh - see my comment above. Interestingly, a recent episode of the new CNN series "Believer" was on Scientology. Specifically, it was about *independent* Scientologists, who think the "Church" has not only turned it into an enormous ponzi scheme, but also "perverted LRH's original teachings". They talked to one…
> You're told that your family and friends, outside of the group
obviously, are trying to drag you down and that you're smarter [..] Then you get to the next level and things start getting harder, you have to work more for the Church
Gee, that sounds almost *exactly* like what the Handmaid's Tale is about..
> pretending…