Jim Van Der Slicen

You make a great point overall, but to be fair, even your own website’s report didn’t mention anything about the prior domestic abuse allegations.

Can you provide us with a list of issues that are acceptable to laugh at? Addiction and recovery is on it, we know that.

“We are Gawker Media, and when it comes to serious issues like this, we know where to draw the li- hey, why are you all laughing? Come back!”

Phew. Almost thought that pertained to a sport I care about.

Do you think there’s a better headline for this on NFL Sunday?

How do I get less goddamn soccer in my Deadspin feed? Is there a filter? This is bullshit.

This is bullshit, it has been 5 hours since the first nfl game started today, and there has not been a single NFL article posted by your shitty website. This is unacceptable.