
I hope this has been mentioned around here before, and I don’t expect anyone cares, but historically “man” was a gender-neutral term (back in the middle ages the prefixes wer- and wif- specified “male man” or “female man”). This has a legacy in our modern language in the same sort of way that words that came to us

Vans Classic No Show

Vans Classic No Show

He’s made bolder claims:

terrible advice.

your advice is bad.

Quarters? Not sure if this goes for all car insurance obviously, but I get a pretty sizeable discount from Progressive for paying the 6 month at once. I think it saves almost $100 with the reduced principal and less fees.

Yeah, that’s a good one! I suppose there’s no real “upgrade,” but the idea is right on track.

As the story notes, it is a tactic to keep the plaintiffs from appealing. I see it all the time. The plaintiffs will agree to not appeal, and the claim for fees and costs will be dismissed. And, yeah, you should if you are out 700K for a frivolous claim. I see people all the time bitch about what a sue-happy society

Bombs against Boston rarely go over well

What’s funny is, had he done this in a Cardinals uniform last year, the tone of this post would be remarkably different.

No. No no no no no. No.

Do you, singularly, produce things for public consumption?

I wear headphones even if i’m not playing music.

There have been many critics that take issue with the ‘killing poor people bit.’ Me, on the other hand, could care less. It is shooting at you? Can you shoot back at it? Okay, that’s enough for me.

I never questioned the morality of killing pink demon cow things in DOOM, or wondered what the part of the world the

I remember the Hockey Twitter #HotTakes after this game