Jim Shorts

Not at all. I believe Anna Maria Chavez, the CEO of GSUSA, is doing an incredible job. She’s worth every penny they pay her and more. The recently-departed CEO of our local Girl Scout council, however, burned a lot of bridges during her tenure, and her salary was chief among the complaints that many felt contributed

At least the Boy Scout troops make 35% on popcorn sales. Girl Scout cookies net the troops less than 20%. The councils make 65-75%.

Yes, but the news stories are saying that the costs are going up to $5 because production costs are up, not that they want more profit. Councils nationwide are struggling financially, and since they all rely on cookies for such an overwhelming percentage of their annual budgets, it only makes sense to them to raise

So little goes to the kids because the cookie sales are the primary fundraisers for councils. In some councils cookie profits account for 60-70% of their operating budget for the year.

The Troop gets 90 cents on that $5 box, the council gets somewhere between $2.00 and $2.75.

They're not facsimiles, they're the exact same cookies! Little Brownie Bakers is a subsidiary of Keebler. Thin Mints and Samoas are made in the exact same factory as Grasshoppers and Coconut Dreams.

The recently-resigned CEO in my daughter’s council was making $185,000 a year, nearly $50,000 more than the Boy Scout Council executive in that same area. During her tenure, council executive salaries increased 50%, while 4 of their 7 council-owned camps were closed due to "lack of attendance" despite they had all

Thank you for stating this. My daughter’s council raised the price a couple of years ago from $3.50 to $4.00 and the council pocketed the entire 50 cent increase.

Chi-o, Chi-o, it's off to bed we go...