My wife introduced me to pretzel sticks in hazelnut spread. NOM NOM NOM!
My wife introduced me to pretzel sticks in hazelnut spread. NOM NOM NOM!
damn, that is alarming to think about.
No, let the great Darwinism of 2019 commence!
Proper oval office shitting technique: No squatty potty required!
Bunch of lemmings right there.
Damn if you hit him with the taser would you smell KFC?
The whining will drown out the blood curdling screams at the first Cars and Coffee meet he attends/leaves.
Kids these days, damn participant medals for everyone.
Please have the captain of the Costa Concordia at the helm, PLEASE!
This right here is plain enough to see that Republicans and conservative minded people are complete fucking trash. If you cannot yield even an iota of respect (cause this is really the underlying issue) to people different from you then YOU are the problem with society. How can you tout “christian values” yet turn…
Man what a happy ending! Timing is everything.
No corners in the Oval office... A cell should suffice.
Don’t tweet.
In all fairness children have been read stories about evil witches, I wouldn’t get too close to Huckachuck either
He’s just scared that his base will hear something other than his propaganda.
Could this be cosmic karma???
Can you imagine the lame duck that Trump would toss for a first pitch, man there wouldn’t even be a “You throw like a _____” statement because it would be so so pitiful.
Uhhhhh, that’s why it’s called the Good Shit.
Build a wall around the dump.
Oh fuck the headline made me think it was actually Miller being appointed.