-8 bit
-8 bit
Glad I’m Canadian, JFC can you imagine the additional interest on having to pay off a loan for your own goddamned health not to mention the principle. I’m guessing the people taking these loans probably don’t have very good credit ratings either which just make the interest even more impactful.
Drug use has got to be Methly Anne Conway
Did the site format change today? I got a million ads through every article and the kinja looks messed up???
Or any old Walmart
Forgive my ignorance, I don’t play any of these but find the stories of their exploits interesting.
Unfortunately this is her daily routine:
Fucking cowards up and down both the R’s and Dem’s, can’t get away from that sweet lobby money...
This is interesting for someone who has never played it. I wonder what happened to that player (another article on Kotaku) who was trying to travel the furthest in the game, are they still on that mission?
I’m sorry you were blessed with the intelligence of a cheeto.
We are now officially in the Idiocracy.
My only hope now is that the full Mueller report (although does not suggest further indictments) reveals the true depravity of the Trumps and has these GOP toe kissers reeling from the audacity, scrambling to justify why they still stand behind this orange turd. I mean they have shown some seriously impressive…
Do the Australian Measles only affect the down under area?
Can we just send the anti-vaxxers and flat earther’s on a one way trip into the sun.
Man I so loved reading this series, every time I go to my book shelf I consider re-reading it. I have not seen the movie and am reluctant to if it has been such a mess but news of this Amazon series has piqued my interest.
JFC, Not only are they fucking clueless they are propagating at an unsustainable rate.
I wonder if “hog wild” is a term they search on porn hub?
Should’ve tried to rename the Air Force 1 or the presidential limo. Imagine the cringe on Trumps face when he has to climb into John McCain.
I like the design but I keep thinking of these people attempting to dock:
Nobody wants to claim Florida as their own.