
Don’t give him ideas about building a wall along the west coast too.

One week in the future

Can’t wait for Darwinism to catch up to this chud.

Reason #1 for hating and never using Twitter: NO CONTEXT

Art of the deal, what a master of the mind you elected to run your country (into the ground)

Take your damn star!

I wonder if they’ll rename it again? Originally it was Krakatau before the 1880's eruption and the resulting volcano was renamed Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau) Would this new spout become the grandchild of??

I think we’re blowing this out of proportion, I don’t see any nazi’s claiming this thing as theirs. God damn all this sensitivity must have a limit, why does everyone have to find the most minuscule subject to get offended over, you have plenty of shit in this world that needs attention over this...

Ah isn’t this exactly how Trump would write his tweets before he acquired the skill to use his own tiny thumbs?

Money Ball Jalopnik

Let’s highlight 1 murder by an immigrant yet completely ignore the thousands of deaths every year by good ol homegrown ‘muricans with their freedom sticks.

Fair enough, I think there is some consideration though with regard to the impact. If you had an non deforming barrier that your head impacted, you’d die. The windshield does have some give to it for that reason, similar to a crumple zone in a car, to absorb the impact yet keep the occupant inside as you mentioned.

There is also the passenger safety they take into consideration as I believe the windshield is also designed to give way when passenger is ejected from the seat. If you were in an accident and flew into an unbreakable windshield you would probably die from the impact.

Does every picture of him with an animal/bird/human have to include inappropriate touching? Horse = Ass, Turkey = Ass, Woman = Vagina
This guy can’t keep his hands to himself. Even elves are at risk!!


Small hands can only play the ukulele.

I always hated the design of the Ridgeline but damn does that look sweet!

This is why they should be identified as a terrorist organization, held accountable for their acts of treason and imprisoned at Gitmo.

The universe does not hold enough stars for this comment!